OSHAWA TOUCH FOOTBALL LEAGUE Total Comments 4436 | Start A New Topic
Topic Replies Views Last Post Started By Date
scores of the games?51680Oct 7th, 2014Bulldog4lifeOct 6th, 2014
Dynasty 31657Oct 6th, 2014....Oct 5th, 2014
Captain Cock11633Oct 3rd, 2014O.P.C golf tournamentOct 3rd, 2014
BANQUET TICKETS11542Oct 3rd, 2014SCOTTOct 3rd, 2014
OT?61736Oct 2nd, 2014Captain CockOct 1st, 2014
FINALS SCHEDULE AND BANQUET01539Oct 1st, 2014SCOTTOct 1st, 2014
Updates01463Oct 1st, 2014Info Oct 1st, 2014
Finals61791Sep 30th, 2014FanSep 28th, 2014
Playoff scores?101873Sep 30th, 2014Otfl fanSep 28th, 2014
Tomorrow last day to buy banquet tickets 01424Sep 27th, 2014SCOTTSep 27th, 2014
Last years playoffs01607Sep 27th, 2014OTFL Sep 27th, 2014
Playoff Picks21536Sep 27th, 2014OPC96Sep 26th, 2014
OTFL History11776Sep 24th, 2014SCOTTSep 23rd, 2014
OTFL Rivalries61751Sep 24th, 2014OTFL addictSep 23rd, 2014
Playoff Schedule111972Sep 24th, 2014SCOTTSep 22nd, 2014
FINAL PLAYOFF STANDINGS21564Sep 23rd, 2014SCOTTSep 22nd, 2014
Scores?01485Sep 21st, 2014CuriousSep 21st, 2014
who would u pick41767Sep 18th, 2014...Sep 17th, 2014
BANQUET TICKETS 21510Sep 18th, 2014SCOTTSep 17th, 2014
B Title01549Sep 17th, 2014OPC96Sep 17th, 2014
Scoring title11542Sep 18th, 2014Raider17Sep 16th, 2014
Playoff Schedule01592Sep 16th, 2014ScottSep 16th, 2014
Updated Playoff standings01494Sep 16th, 2014SCOTTSep 16th, 2014
Rogues vs sharks!!!!191842Sep 16th, 2014...Sep 14th, 2014
Updated Playoff Standings01494Sep 9th, 2014ScottSep 9th, 2014
Buckeyes11460Sep 9th, 2014skipSep 8th, 2014
Banquet tickets will be available this Sunday21487Sep 9th, 2014ScottSep 5th, 2014
Are Rogues going undefeated 2 seasons in a row?21500Aug 29th, 2014........Aug 29th, 2014
puppydog4life11536Aug 30th, 2014D ManAug 28th, 2014
OPC- pick up game41604Aug 30th, 2014Captain CockAug 28th, 2014
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Oshawa Touch Football League