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Post Info TOPIC: Playoff scores?
Posted By: Otfl fan

Posted On: Sep 28th, 2014
Views: 1874
Playoff scores?

Who knows what happened today?

Posted By: Kelly

Posted On: Sep 28th, 2014
Views: 1858
RE: Playoff scores?

At Maxwell:

Brew crew, OPC, and mustangs won....

Who can speak for Central?

Posted By: Kelly

Posted On: Sep 28th, 2014
Views: 1856
RE: Playoff scores?

A text said central showed:

Rogues, buckeyes, cowboys

Posted By: Otfl fan

Posted On: Sep 28th, 2014
Views: 1826
RE: Playoff scores?

I see all went as expected.

Hey puppy dog, how was the final? The final game of your season that is?

Posted By: Bulldog4life

Posted On: Sep 29th, 2014
Views: 1789
RE: Playoff scores?

Our game was exactly what the final will NOT be...and that is close....we hung in there but just didn't make the plays when we needed to...hats off to the OTFL champs the Rogues...congrats boys!

Posted By: TJ

Posted On: Sep 30th, 2014
Views: 1686
RE: Playoff scores?

And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.

Wood woof. Get along, little doggy.

#18, THE Oshawa Buckeyes

Posted By: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Posted On: Sep 30th, 2014
Views: 1671
RE: Playoff scores?

Your quoting of the Bard is effective TJ. It's nice to see another educated man in this league. Unlike our uneducated and yet yappy little friend, who does not understand the difference between the semi-finals and the finals, and does not understand that 4th place is not 1st place, nor is it 2nd place, nor even 3rd.

I fear that puppydog will be unaffected by our comments however, and will effect no change in his behaviour. His efforts to convince us all that 4th = 1st will remain ineffective of course, since we passed grade 5 math, and yet he will no doubt persist. He will continue to affect his BD4L personality, and will continue to effectively annoy us all.

Posted By: bulldog4life

Posted On: Sep 30th, 2014
Views: 1629
RE: Playoff scores?

On the contrary "Smarter than a 5th grader", I do indeed know the difference between 1st and 4th. I never once claimed that by us losing to the Rogues that we were now a 1st place team. If you read, and I emphasize READ, what I have written previously, is simply that our game was, in my opinion, the true finals because of how close our two teams have played in the past and that I believed we were the two best teams in the league (with respect to the Sharks). I also stated that the team that wins our game will be the team that will no doubt win the championship. I believe even Scott echoed those comments to some extent. So TJ, you can quote Shakespeare, you can quote Spongebob Square Pants for all I care, it doesn't matter who you quote (in the words of the Rock), the bottom line is your team is going to be treated like a used dish rag and tossed all over the place on the field this Sunday. My projected score was being favourable to you 'cause I actually had you guys scoring some points, but that's only 'cause I felt sorry for you guys.

On a note of me annoying everyone on here, that's fine by my, 'cause at least it keeps the message board going. Throughout this entire season this message board was more like a field of crickets as opposed to a true message board. Do I like to stir the pot? Hell yeah. Do I like to talk smack? Hell yeah. If you don't like it, too bad...at the end of the day no one is holding your hand, taking you to the computer/laptop/mobile/tablet or whatever other means you use to check the message board out and force you to read what I have to say. I most certainly will continue to be who I am, speak my mind, stir the pot, talk smack, if for no other reason than entertainment reading for the message board.

Posted By: wondering

Posted On: Sep 30th, 2014
Views: 1611
RE: Playoff scores?

That's great, then im sure you will tell us who you are?

Posted By: Captain Cock

Posted On: Sep 30th, 2014
Views: 1607
RE: Playoff scores?

Is it just me or is that creepy? Haha

Posted By: Captain Cock

Posted On: Sep 30th, 2014
Views: 1605
RE: Playoff scores?

And.... Who can give me the Central scores from the weekend?

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Oshawa Touch Football League