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Post Info TOPIC: puppydog4life
Posted By: D Man

Posted On: Aug 28th, 2014
Views: 1536

Men lie women lie numbers don't, the stats don't lie as of right now, the Sharks are hot. Looks like puppydog4life is upset that his team is not part of the conversation. Just because his team beat the Sharks in week 1 he feels he has the right to rant about how bad the Sharks should be. Didn't the Sharks crush the Buckeyes and the Buckeyes crush the puppies. Why do the runts of the litter always have to act like the big dog.

Woof Woof

Posted By: Bulldog4life

Posted On: Aug 30th, 2014
Views: 1490
RE: puppydog4life

Lol....keep living in a fantasty world...we'll let the year play out ....then we'll chat

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