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Post Info TOPIC: OT?
Posted By: Captain Cock

Posted On: Oct 1st, 2014
Views: 1738

How does overtime work?

Posted By: SCOTT

Posted On: Oct 1st, 2014
Views: 1728

Converts. So coin flip to see who goes last. One team goes for a convert (1 or 2 pts) then the other team goes. if they match redo and the other team goes last if one team is ahead they win.

Posted By: TJ

Posted On: Oct 1st, 2014
Views: 1710

So different from the TFONT format, huh?

TFONT does 3 converts for each team (alternating), and the team can go for 1 or 2 each time. If they're still tied after 3 times through, then it would move to a "sudden death" format.

Posted By: SCOTT

Posted On: Oct 1st, 2014
Views: 1701

The same as TFONT. 3 per team alternating and then sudden death.

Posted By: Bulldog4life Jr.

Posted On: Oct 1st, 2014
Views: 1674

Don't worry about OT in the "A" finals TJ, your game will be over by half time. OT, that's cute.

Posted By: RaF JR

Posted On: Oct 1st, 2014
Views: 1672

Hey little pup, you just worry about bringing your Pajama pants and a chair to WATCH the finals!

Posted By: TJ

Posted On: Oct 2nd, 2014
Views: 1622

Naww, there won't be OT in our game, that's for sure. I'd expect wither team to go for the win if a late TD was scored.

But what's "cute" is you reminding everybody that you always lose in a close game to the Rogues. Lose by 1 or lose by 30, a loss is a loss. Enjoy your sleep in on Sunday, us Buckeyes will be playing in the Finals. The "real" Finals. You know, the game where they hand out a trophy at the end.

And I don't mind your barking -- keeps it fun around here. I expect you to chirp us relentlessly if we lose, but also to come here hat in hand if we pull the upset.

#18 THE Oshawa Buckeyes

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