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Posted By: OTFL addict

Posted On: Sep 23rd, 2014
Views: 1751
OTFL Rivalries

Just wondering what people think are the top current as well as historic OTFL Rivalries. A few that come to my mind are:

Spack vs Buckeyes
Rogues vs Buckeyes
Hounds/Sharks vs Hawks (although this one may be on the way out with the Sharks becoming more of an elite team)
Hounds/Sharks vs OPC (again could be coming to an end)
OPC vs. Hawks
Manimals vs. Brew Crew


Falcons (tailgates) vs Buccaneers

Posted By: Raider 1

Posted On: Sep 23rd, 2014
Views: 1728
RE: OTFL Rivalries

The Falcons against the Bucs were always classic games, those were punch you in the mouth games. These teams were pre Rogues and would have been great to have seen the Rogues, Falcons and Bucs battle it out.

Just saying.

Posted By: Captain Cock

Posted On: Sep 23rd, 2014
Views: 1712
RE: OTFL Rivalries

First off let me say I love the topic. Now allow me to comment. I'm gonna speak on behalf of OPC and the rivals that were put forth upon us.

OPC vs Hawks
I'd have to say that these guys are our arch nemesis'. We've had battles from the moment we entered the league. I'll admit they had us year one but in all honesty we've been able to handle them from then on. I look forward to this weekends game and I expect nothing but a battle. And allow me to say that they are the only team to beat our full roster this year other than the rogues. I'm not saying that we would have beat the buckeyes and the bulldogs if we had a full roster but it would have been much closer. One thing I am gonna say is that we would have beat the sharks in game 2 with our full roster....

OPC vs Sharks

I love playing the sharks. They are a good team and I love the fact that we compete with them every time we hit the field. Last year we managed a big win vs them and I'll admit it was a bit unexpected. I was thinking we would meet in the B playoffs this year but they've had a hell of a year and deserve to be where they are. See you next year boys. Sorry for the injury bug that hit.

Bonus match up

OPC vs Untouchables

These boys have owned us ever since we joined. We beat them this year but not bad enough to convince me. If you boys want a rematch all you got to do is take care of the Mustangs. Am I guaranteeing an OPC win over the Hawks? No, but I don't expect to lose.

Posted By: SCOTT

Posted On: Sep 24th, 2014
Views: 1682
RE: OTFL Rivalries

Hey Cap'n Crunch,

I echo your arch nemesis comment (and on loving the topic). There definitely is not a team in this league that I'm happier to beat and more pissed off after a loss than you guys and I'm pretty sure I can speak for the rest of my team as well. To me our rivalry is definitely the best in the league (could be a little biased though). As for your rematch with the Untouchables, all I can say is good luck against them next year when you play them next.

Historically, I can only remember the Falcons and Bucs. I'm sure there were plenty of other great ones from before my team.

Posted By: Rogue historian

Posted On: Sep 24th, 2014
Views: 1681
RE: OTFL Rivalries

The Rogues played the bucs and falcons in their first year in the league back in 2004, beating the falcons in the final. I believe their only loss that year was the first game of the season against the raiders.

Posted By: Captain Cock

Posted On: Sep 24th, 2014
Views: 1680
RE: OTFL Rivalries

Capt'n crunch... I love it!

Posted By: Raider 1

Posted On: Sep 24th, 2014
Views: 1621
RE: OTFL Rivalries

We were 100 times better back in 2004, hence our no wins this season. We were able to beat both the Rogues and the Falcons that year. We will be back strong as ever next year.

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