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Posted By: Raider17

Posted On: Sep 16th, 2014
Views: 1542
Scoring title

Great race between Brimpong and Zmozynski.
Here's what you need to be the best of the best.

Russ Beverley - 7ups - 244 - 1987.
Mark Philip - 219 - Hawkeyes (current Raider)1983.
Only two 200 plus point scorers since 1979.
Good luck men.

Posted By: stats guy

Posted On: Sep 18th, 2014
Views: 1469
RE: Scoring title

Let's hope that both the Mustangs and the Brew Crew make an effort to prevent these two superstars from scoring. Maybe man up on them and play a zone around them with everyone in the zone eyeing them. Make someone else beat you and if the two QBs are going to insist on running up the point totals for these two guys make them earn each and every point they get.

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Oshawa Touch Football League