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Post Info TOPIC: Are Rogues going undefeated 2 seasons in a row?
Posted By: ........

Posted On: Aug 29th, 2014
Views: 1500
Are Rogues going undefeated 2 seasons in a row?

I want all of your thoughts.

Posted By: buc

Posted On: Aug 29th, 2014
Views: 1491
RE: Are Rogues going undefeated 2 seasons in a row?

I would love to see them loose in the final, but I think they will pull it off.

Posted By: insider

Posted On: Aug 29th, 2014
Views: 1480
RE: Are Rogues going undefeated 2 seasons in a row?

ditto. Nothing against the Rogues but I'm hoping they lose. Don't see it happening though.

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