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Post Info TOPIC: forward pass
Posted By: Drew

Posted On: Jul 3rd, 2012
Views: 1674
forward pass

during our last game our QB crossed the line of scrimmage and threw a pass that was intercepted. the interception was ruled good, how ever the rules i have seen suggests that should have been a dead ball because once the QB crosses the line he becomes a runner there for when the should it not be considered a bad lateral?

Posted By: Raf

Posted On: Jul 3rd, 2012
Views: 1671
RE: forward pass

as long as it doesnt hit the ground its a interception.

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Jul 3rd, 2012
Views: 1658
RE: forward pass

Just confirmed with Dawkins and yes the turnover does stand as when any lateral occurs legal (sideways or backwards) or illegal (forward) the play is not dead until the ball hits the ground. If the ball is incomplete or completed by the offensive team it comes back to the spot it was thrown (if forward). If it is caught by the defense they take possession of the ball at the spot they are tagged after making the catch. NOTE: The defensive player is not credited with an interception in this situation as he did not intercept a legal forward pass but the turnover does still stand.

Hope this helps clear up any of the confusion.


Posted By: Kevin

Posted On: Jul 4th, 2012
Views: 1627
RE: forward pass

I completely understand the spirit of the rule, but seeing as how it is a penalty, doesn't the defence have the opportunity to accept or decline, depending on if it gives them better field position? If the pass is 40 yards on 4th down, I would think the defense would decline the penalty and take posession where the foul occurred, not where the ball ended up (assuming the end of the play is where it was caught)?
I would also assume that, in the case of a lateral, the same rule would apply. If the lateral ended up going forward (as they do so often), but is intercepted by the defence before it hits the ground, that would also be a turnover, right? I've seen it many times in the past where the official would blow the play dead the second they see a lateral go forward instead of waiting to see what happens. Ninety percent of the time, the ball will either hit the ground or be caught by the offense, but there is still a chance the the lateral could be intercepted. Rare, but it does happen.

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Jul 4th, 2012
Views: 1624
RE: forward pass

from the rule book:

"9. On third down, the Quarterback attempts a lateral to the halfback but it is ruled
forward. The halfback throws a forward pass down field, before gaining a first down,
which is intercepted.

Interpretation: The defense has the option to accept the Illegal Forward Pass penalty
and take possession from the point where the second forward pass was thrown or
decline it and take possession from the point where the ball becomes dead after the

So yes the defensive team has the option to accept or decline the illegal forward pass penalty and, assuming it is third down and the player throwing the pass did not gain a first down during his run, can take possession at the more favourable spot. There is however no yardage associated with the penalty.

Hopefully this helps clear up the confusion.

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