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Post Info TOPIC: IMPORTANT housekeeping items
Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Jul 7th, 2016
Views: 1220
IMPORTANT housekeeping items

Hi all,

There are a few issues I would like to address before the games this Sunday/Monday.

1. Check your scorecards after the game.

The team reps should be aware of this already but I'm going to post it here as well. Once the scorecards get submitted to the executive from the refs they are official and will not be changed. Make sure somebody from your team goes to the refs right after the handshakes and checks to make sure everything on the scorecard (including attendance) is correct. Going forward we will not be making any exceptions to this rule.

2. Garbage.

Please make sure you leave the fields cleaner than you found them. Have someone from your team bring a garbage bag and make sure all of your team's garbage gets thrown out. Do a quick look around your team's bench area before heading out and if you see any garbage just pick it up.

3. Parking.

I know at Maxwell Heights parking is limited and a lot of people (myself included) park up by the school. I don't have any issue with this and if anything is said about that I can just tell the board it's not clearly marked whether that area is for parking or not. At Eastdale though please make sure you park in the designated parking spaces. There is lots of parking at Eastdale and it is like 10 feet from the field. Are we (a group of highly athletic people, for the most part :)) really that lazy that we can't walk 10 - 20 extra feet. That lane right beside the fence is meant to be for driving not parking and it would be brutal if we were to lose our permits just because of laziness.

4. Rough Play. Last thing is to make sure we are all playing safe out there. Obviously I get that it's a bit of a rough game at times and when two players are going for a ball in the air things happen but let's make sure we are always in control of our bodies and when we are making our tags they are reasonable. I know we want to make sure the ref sees it but there is a difference between a solid tag and a rough tag. Nobody should be out there to hurt anybody, we are out there to play hard, compete and have fun.

Please pass this information on to any members of your team that do not frequent the message board. I will also be sending this post to the team reps.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at scott@oshawafootball.com



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Oshawa Touch Football League