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Post Info TOPIC: Email Distribution List - Men's Division
Posted By: OTFL EXEC

Posted On: Jun 16th, 2016
Views: 1201
Email Distribution List - Men's Division

Good evening,

Hopefully most of you have received an email from the OTFL Exec moments ago. If you have not, chances are it is because you either didn't give your team rep your email address, or your team rep entered it incorrectly. If you would like to be included in our league-wide distribution list, please email us at info@oshawafootball.com or provide your name and email address within this thread (if you are okay with everyone seeing it).

Our intentions with this league-wide distribution list is to update everyone of League issues & upcoming events. We will also give opportunity to weigh-in on certain subjects with random polling/votes.

This initial email includes the information on our returning Weekly Picks Contest - along with hyperlinks for our veteran players.. ;) we got you covered.
From there, those who participate in the picks contest will be included in a separate distribution list which will give updates on weekly standings, as well as who picked which teams prior to Sunday's games.

There is always the opportunity to unsubscribe yourself from our distribution list... and if you choose to do so, we request you check our message board often for some of the major League announcements.

Thanks everyone!

Kelly [& Scott]

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Oshawa Touch Football League