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Post Info TOPIC: OTFL in Oshawa this Week
Posted By: Ted Nicholas

Posted On: Jul 15th, 2009
Views: 1888
OTFL in Oshawa this Week

Check out article page 19 in the today's (Wednesday July 15) Oshawa this week

Posted By: Andy

Posted On: Jul 16th, 2009
Views: 1869
RE: OTFL in Oshawa this Week

Ha, nice picture Ted!

Posted By: Curious

Posted On: Jul 16th, 2009
Views: 1866
RE: OTFL in Oshawa this Week

is there any way to see it online? i dont have the newspaper.

Posted By: Ted Nicholas

Posted On: Jul 16th, 2009
Views: 1863
RE: OTFL in Oshawa this Week

Thanks Andy...the article should be added to the site's picture section tomorrow.

Posted By: Drew

Posted On: Jul 16th, 2009
Views: 1824
RE: OTFL in Oshawa this Week

It has been added.
Thanks Ted for scanning it for us.

Posted By: Kelly

Posted On: Jul 16th, 2009
Views: 1809
RE: OTFL in Oshawa this Week

Great job on the write-up Andy... and getting the story out there!

and.. as always.. Great Job doing what you do Ted!! :)

Posted By: Web

Posted On: Jul 19th, 2009
Views: 1703
RE: OTFL in Oshawa this Week

Here it is on the web.


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Oshawa Touch Football League