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Post Info TOPIC: Banquet tickets will be available this Sunday
Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Sep 5th, 2014
Views: 1488
Banquet tickets will be available this Sunday

Hey guys,

You know the drill... Banquet tickets will be available for "purchase" for the remainder of the season. The cost is $10/ticket. All eligible players (5+ regular season games played) will be reimbursed at the door when they arrive to the Banquet.

Due to seating and space limitations, only 100 tickets will be sold on a first come first serve basis.

You can get your tickets from myself or Drew Walker (see Hawks schedule), or Rafuse & Buzz (see Buckeyes). Special arrangements can be scheduled to meet up for Rogues (not at same field as hawks and buckeyes) & Co-ed (season over).

We are expecting to offer the same incentives as last year.

So pass on the message to your teammates to bring their $10. We have sold out the last couple of years and expect that again this year!

If you have any questions let me know.



Posted By: ...

Posted On: Sep 6th, 2014
Views: 1468
RE: Banquet tickets will be available this Sunday

When is the banquet?
Date and time
I assume it's at bulldog pub?

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Sep 9th, 2014
Views: 1428
RE: Banquet tickets will be available this Sunday

Apologies. I guess that is an important tidbit of information. The Banquet is Oct. 5th, 2014 at 1:30 pm at Bulldog Pub.



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Oshawa Touch Football League