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Post Info TOPIC: Where's my reading material?
Posted By: Bulldog4Life

Posted On: Jun 15th, 2012
Views: 1658
Where's my reading material?

No wrap-up
No picks for this week's games
Wazzzzzzzzz up?

Posted By: Buzz (PR Director)

Posted On: Jun 15th, 2012
Views: 1654
RE: Where's my reading material?

Dog, Buzz here, I did the post game report and handed it into the Executive on Tuesday, it will be posted ASAP.

Keep yoour Dog Collar on. (LOL) ;)


Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jun 15th, 2012
Views: 1652
RE: Where's my reading material?

i blame scott. he is too busy being mr. mom while im working late, that he is neglecting his OTFL duties...

scott.. you are fired.

and yes, buzz did send them tuesday... he is a good boy.

see a new thread for the post in a couple mins.

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jun 15th, 2012
Views: 1651
RE: Where's my reading material?

its up.. its up... damn you for rushing me Nim!!!

next week will have a quicker turn around - i wont be working as long of hours in the office so scott wont have to be mr. mom all week.. ;)

as for my picks... :) I havent decided if i am gonna post them before, or after the PICKS CONTEST deadline of 8pm. ..,. .. im wondering if i should let on who i am picking... because then people may try to jump on my band wagon?!??!!!! hrmmm.. HRMMMMM.... thoughts?

Posted By: Bulldog4Life

Posted On: Jun 15th, 2012
Views: 1644
RE: Where's my reading material?

Lol, I knew it was Scott all along. I'll keep my anti-bark leash on...at least for this week lol.
Yeah, I say hold on the picks then...the peeps in the know..,such as myself, have obviously submitted them already, while others may be waiting for a helping hand lol

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jun 15th, 2012
Views: 1618
RE: Where's my reading material?

anti bark leash.. nice.. ;)

JA clearly wanted to give a helping hand... damn you JA... DAMN YOU!!!!!!

i already know who all im picking... :) i will likely write up my picks ahead of time to then post them right after the 8pm cutoff...

i cant wait to win $150 because none ya'll gonna beat meeeeeee...

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