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Post Info TOPIC: Those are some impressive Cocks
Posted By: Captin Cock

Posted On: Jun 10th, 2012
Views: 1906
Those are some impressive Cocks

Sounds like OPC did exactly what they needed to.

Hats off off to OTFL. Couldn't imagine having to play with a group of guys who have never played together. Keep at it boys!

Posted By: Beavis

Posted On: Jun 13th, 2012
Views: 1799
RE: Those are some impressive Cocks

Ahuk! Ahuk! He said Cocks.

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jun 15th, 2012
Views: 1763
RE: Those are some impressive Cocks

i love these little updates captain cock..

they make me giggle like its grade 9 sex-ed.

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Oshawa Touch Football League