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Post Info TOPIC: have u heard the news?
Posted By: Captin Cock

Posted On: May 14th, 2012
Views: 1812
have u heard the news?

Word on the gridiron is that OPC is lookin mighty fine. Fast young athletic receivers, a rough and tough defence and throw in that gun slinger of a QB and you have yourself a recipe for something that has never tasted so good.

Also hear they got themselves a few Buccs during the off season. Good shootin yes indeed.

Any one lookin for a pick up game can go to eastdale this sudnay 10am. i know its long weekend but OPC isn't leaving town so maybe you arent't either.

see yas around fellas

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: May 15th, 2012
Views: 1779
RE: have u heard the news?

heard it was a battle of the birds last weekend as the hawks ran into the cocks at eastdale. was told you guys are looking pretty good...

looking forward to seeing what you guys have been up to in the off season....


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Oshawa Touch Football League