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Posted By: OTFL Exec

Posted On: May 11th, 2012
Views: 2007
2012 off season update

With the new season right around the corner I'm sure some of you are curious about the off season happenings. So for all you OTFL junkies out there here is a quick update of what's been happening.

We lost four teams (Sun Devils, Buccaneers, Longhorns and Turtles) and as fate would have it we also gained 4 new teams (Steelers, Untouchables, Cowboys and for the first time in OTFL history we have a full team of individual registrants). We have also gained 3 new co-ed teams brining us up to 6 in total.

Due to popular demand we have decided to reduce the length of the season. The season this year will end the weekend before Thanksgiving. This will put the finals on Sept 30th this season. Another change for this season is having the non-tournament teams play regular season games on Tfont tournament weekends.

This season the 14 teams will be split into two divisions with 7 teams in each division as follows:

A - All Blacks, Buckeyes, Bull Dogs, Lancers, Raiders, Rogues and Steelers.

B - Cowboys, Hawks, Hounds, Mustangs, OPC, OTFL, Untouchables

Before everyone flies off the handle about the Mustangs being in the B division I have been informed by their team rep that they are going to be bringing out a roster of mostly inexperienced players and will not have a number of their better players from last season.

Each team will play every team in their division twice to make up a 12 game schedule. At playoff time the teams will be split into 3 divisions so there will still be A,B and C champions. Information on how this will be done will come at a later date.

We also have a new sponsor this season. A big thank you to Bull Dog Pub (in the plaza at the corner of Grandview and Bloor) for sponsoring the OTFL this season. To help support our new sponsor the league will be having a kick-off party on June 10th at 2:00 pm (stay tuned for further details on this). We will also be having a mid-season party (date TBD) as well as our annual year end banquet on Sept 30th. Please keep our league sponsor in mind when thinking of a place to go for dinner or drinks. Also when you do visit them make sure to save your receipts and submit them to either your team rep or a member of the exec.

We expect the schedule will be posted early next week pending executive and team rep approval.

Also interest in the OTFL preseason tournament is starting to pick up so if you are interested in participating please contact us to reserve your spot. The deadline for registration is May 14th.

This is just a quick rundown of some of the things we felt people would be most interested in hearing about but there are many other things we have planned for 2012 (the return of the OTFL All Star game, weekly picks pool contest, etc.) that will be communicated at a later time.

As always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to send us an email at info@oshawafootball.com and we will be happy to answer them.

Hope you are all as excited about the upcoming season as we are.

OTFL Exec.

Posted By: kittylitter

Posted On: May 12th, 2012
Views: 1983
RE: 2012 off season update

An interested fact that might throw a loop into your divisional organization is that Mr. Rob Pacas (the man, the legend himself) will be throwing for the Markham Mustangs this year.

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: May 13th, 2012
Views: 1943
RE: 2012 off season update


god its been a long off season without him around...


most of the mustang vets are gone... so with as much new blood on the roster as we've been told there is, there will be a lot of work to be done. I am sure having PACAS 'the almighty' in their pocket will keep them in the higher echelon of the newly formatted B division.

As 2012 will unfold, the executive are confident you will all find this structure of 7/7 the best compatibility for the level of competition all these teams bring to the field. Though the desire for 4 divisions was strong, there was just too little separating the middle cluster of teams to divide appropriately, and evenly enough to make the schedule fun and challenging week after week.

A common theme for 2012 is 'dividing and merging'. Lots of the same faces as seen year after year, but now sporting new colours and names - Teams folding, and picking up elsewhere, teams combining to become 1 hybrid team. So, though we remain an unchanged 14 on the surface, the 14 within bear little resemblance to the 14 of 2011; the 14 teams of 2012 I anticipate will be more solid.

Is this a bad thing? Not at all. With the speedy increase of teams over the past 4 years, it is no shock that the growing stop momentarily to work on restructuring. In order to continue to grow, everything needs a solid footing. Too often things grow quickly, without the appropriate foundation... this makes it just as quick to fail.

Thank you to all of you as individuals who are returning -- whether it be in the same jersey as last year or a new one. You are keeping the integrity of the OTFL alive, and we promise, as the Executive, to keep your competition fierce, your level of fun high, and your banquets free. ;)

cheers to an excellent 2012

Posted By: Kittylitter

Posted On: May 14th, 2012
Views: 1935
RE: 2012 off season update

Sorry if my post seemed like I was trying to stir the pot up. Honestly is was intended as a fun poke at my man crush pacas and other buddies on the mustangs.

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: May 14th, 2012
Views: 1933
RE: 2012 off season update

Not at all Kittylitter. I know I didn't think twice about it. Looking to forward to seeing your posts all year long and a great season on the field as well by everyone in the OTFL.

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: May 14th, 2012
Views: 1922
RE: 2012 off season update

nope... i didn't think you were trying to start anything.. no worries! :)

just wanted to make sure that whomever else was following this thread knew the decision was made with the knowledge of PACAS being with them, and having been informed by the Mustang's rep that its a fairly 'green' team. Having won last year we are well aware of how it looks.

Plus - it gave me the opportunity to get the rest of my message out there -- a perfect segueway

and ditto what scott said about your posts in the upcoming season.

Posted By: Kittylitter

Posted On: May 14th, 2012
Views: 1919
RE: 2012 off season update

Group hug! :) I sincerely appreciate how well this league is run and dedication put forth by the exec team. Looking forward to another fun and competitively season?

Rob aka kittylitter

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: May 14th, 2012
Views: 1916
RE: 2012 off season update

awwww.... :)

thanks! :D we enjoy it...

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Oshawa Touch Football League