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Post Info TOPIC: Pick Up Football this Saturday !!
Posted By: Buzz (The Real One)

Posted On: Mar 13th, 2012
Views: 1611
Pick Up Football this Saturday !!


Pick up football

Eastdale High School (Harmony & Adelaide)

Saturday March 17th

10AM ? 12pm

Bring Dark and White Jerseys

Hope to see you all there


Posted By: Andy

Posted On: Mar 16th, 2012
Views: 1570
RE: Pick Up Football this Saturday !!

damn, if it started at 11 or 12 I would have come in from Peterborough to play.

Posted By: Buzz (The Real One)

Posted On: Mar 19th, 2012
Views: 1543
RE: Pick Up Football this Saturday !!

Sorry Andy M, we have to go with this time do some of the ballers need to get to work plus by playing earlier we can enjoy the remainder of our day.
Maybe this week you can come out..stay @ Tuna's House Friday LOL.

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Oshawa Touch Football League