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Posted By: KA

Posted On: Oct 29th, 2011
Views: 1993
finals picks...

Well --- i wasnt going to post my pics.. but then i got a message, straight from the horses mouth, saying it wouldnt be right if i didnt...

sooo... i figured i would appease my fans, and give the people what they want.. scott even took the kids to the park so i had a few uninterrupted minutes to hammer this bad boy out...

Bucs vs Hounds

I agree with JA here.. the hounds' defence is sound --- but they just arent getting the points on the board... so as good as it is to have a strong defence, if you cant get the point board to flash some numbers the best you can hope for is a tie... ... ..

i wasnt able to get to the games last week, being the ride warrior i am, but i did see how the bucs went up against the Raiders in week 1... sure, maybe they werent as interested in beating the raiders because it meant flipping into a more competitive division.... but there were errors that week that CANNOT happen in the finals, and still leave you with the title at the end... i was in pain FOR you guys watching that game... do i think that the bucs have had a chance to shake off whatever was cursing them that game? i dont know.. maybe it was just a bad day?.... regardless of that, i wasnt impressed enough with the scoreboard victory over OPC... ... .. for me to give the Bucs my vote, they wouldve had to have handed the Oshawa Portuguese Cocks their asses...and they didnt.

Back to the hounds ---- in the beginning of the year, you had said that you wont retire the jersey until you get a division win [i remember everything ;)] ---- so fine, it obviously cant be the B division..... will you settle with the C title? Start thinking up team names & jersey colours for the new season insofar as you get your shit together enough for offence to put up a point (even try for two to be safe!)... summary: Hounds to win in a relatively low scoring game...

Mustangs vs Raiders
well... putting aside my differences with a certain black and silver player.... i really dont think either of these teams deserve to be in this situation this week. like JA said, the mustangs played an attendance-failing bulldogs team last week, and were given a huge run for their money..... and the raiders havent dont anything impressive all season, but do have this weird ability to do relatively well in playoffs as seen in years prior to land them here.

do i think either of these guys are B champs? nope. who do i think this should be a battle between? Lancers and Bulldogs... if they werent victims of their own circumstances(attendance attendance attendance).. alas.. the past is what it is... no matter how disappointing it is for me [and ultimately, them].... given what im faced with, raiders or mustangs, im torn... the mustangs have amazing talent... as it is no secret that both these teams have their inner divisions of youngsters & veterans, i will chalk it up as this: the youngsters on the mustangs could run circles around the youngsters on the raiders... the mustangs youth are so impressive to watch as a sideline junkie, that really --- other teams should show up and take notes. The veterans from both sides par even in my opinion.... although.. ill tell you this... the mustangs vets have the endurance and stamina which could easily compete with any 19 year old guy in an orgy with 40 year old cougars. too much? well it made my point!they have vigour! then there are the raiders vets.... they may be at a slower, more laid back "totally oshawa" pace --- but they have great skill.. its like a secret weapon because you wouldnt think it to look at them (not in an offensive way, but you just wouldnt expect guys that are shooting the shit, laughing, and drinking in between plays to actually be that good... you expect them to be there for the 90 minutes they get away from the nagging wife's 'honey do' list).

I really could see this game going either way.... the raiders do have the upper hand with attendance... they usually have near-to-full line changes which give their players a break.... if the mustangs show up with their full squad (including their amazing youngsters who are in school), then the mustangs will win.... if the mustangs show up with only 7-9 guys, and lacking some of their star players because they are in college...... then it will be the raiders. ... .. because i would LIKE to think that the missing mustangs will show up to the final game i will end with my vote for the Mustangs to narrowly beat the raiders --- putting to end the raider era.

la piece de resistance
rogues vs sun devils

well, well, well..... id love to say this is a shock.. but its not... everyone who follows this league at all knows -- these two have been toe-to-toe the entire season through... both teams have had their turn on the homepage "super awesome best team of the league" picture corner..... and with very good reason - they both know how to win.

spack.... you and your boys fought back a ridiculously impressive game against the all blacks last week to make it here this week... where other teams wouldve been frustrated and let their minds defeat them, you maximized on opportunities to turn around and get the big win.

pottles & associates... there is no doubt that some of the most elite players in the league (and leagues abroad), proudly play with the rogues jersey... for the most part, you guys have a great ability to remain calm under pressure and pull out wins. if you guys can get the 1 or 2 guys who do get a little heated during games to calm down and focus on the plays, instead of the other teams players --- you stand a chance...

am i confident that this will happen? no. though i think if we look solely at the skill level that each individual rogue has exceeds the level of individual skill of the sun devils, its the sun devils who work better as a team, and win as a team....... which is what they will do again tomorrow... even though spack loves his eff-bombs as much as i do, he somehow knows how to pick up a set of hooligan players --- and unify them...

this will be a very close scoring game... and i wouldnt be surprised if it came down to literally a 1 point victory for the sun devils in the final seconds.... ohhh a nail biter...

there she be....

Posted By: brett

Posted On: Oct 29th, 2011
Views: 1966
RE: finals picks...

no that's what i'm talking about, this is what we're all looking for a nice in depth analysis that only KA can give!!! :) Thanks for all the hard work you & the Exec. put in to make this another successful season!!!!

See you at the field 2morrow
Good Luck to all the competitors & Fans!!!


P.S Thanks KA for the last minute picks, u made our day!

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Oct 29th, 2011
Views: 1964
RE: finals picks...

:D thank-you, thank-you....

and thanks to all you players & team reps for making it the year it has been!! :)

and of course, the refs for dealing with all your guys bullshit on the field.. ;) (even scott, who got an "objectional conduct" call against him... i know!!!! our precious little angelic scott!) hahaa... he deserved it... ;)

good year guys....you make all the hours 'behind the scenes' worth it... and cant wait to get 2012 on the go.. so excited!!

see ya tomorrow!! :D

Posted By: KA

Posted On: Oct 30th, 2011
Views: 1921
RE: finals picks...

well.. i didnt do too bad.... but not great either..

i blew the first game.. hounds.... this year was just not your year... you are great on the D side of things... hopefully in the off-season you guys will piece it together and recruit guys that will make something happen on O. kudos to the Bucs for pulling it together and capturing the C title -- scott is in the shed right now whittling your trophy. want a wolf-head howling at the moon in there while hes at it?

called the mustangs/raiders game pretty much bang on... woowoo... it was an exciting game right through to the end... and a great story for the new-to-the-OTFL-Mustangs who take a title in their rookie year. great job guys! you really showed me up in proving that you did belong there today! *cyber high five*

and.. well... the A game i wasnt tooootalllyyy off on... it did come down to the final seconds... and was a 1 point win... but for the rogues... this game shouldve been decided by tie-breaking converts.. but that final play shook the sense out of the sun devils, and it cost them the game. (okay okay, the game was not lost on that fault alone --- but it was definitely one of the "if only"s that the sun devils will be reflecting on for the next few days). Another amazing game to watch... very back and forth... a lot of great plays... a lot of "ouch" plays... and even some temper tempers... i will say this, it was a lot more exciting than watching the NFL today (from the games ive seen).

thankfully... my counterpart matched my 1/3 score for this week... leaving him in my dust.... well played JA.. well played!! :D

there was one men's league player that filled out a survey and tore off the perforated area, but it was not received? if you tore it off -- please email me at kelly@oshawafootball.com so i can make sure we add you to the OPEN HOUSE information email list. [there was only 1 guy to remove that portion -- the rest of you just kept it attached so yes, it is narrowed down quite easily]

looking forward to 2012... hope to see most of you back, and then some. thanks for another great year!


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