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Posted By: John Anthony

Posted On: Oct 21st, 2011
Views: 1962
Semi Final Picks

A little late with the picks this week. My apologies. First off I just want to give kudos to my counterpart KA who has done an excellent job all season with her picks and providing great reading material for all the members of the OTFL. Also a quick message to KA, the guys love your weekly picks so don't let one ignorant, chauvinistic illiterate dick bring you down or get under your skin as you do a great job every week. My hat goes off to you and the exec for all your hard work over the last 3 years.

Alright enough with the Drama, let's get onto the picks.

Turtles v. Hounds

I would love to see the Turtles win this one but alas The Hounds are a "B" team that was a victim of circumstance last week and now find themselves in the "C" division. They will have no problem taking care of the undermanned Turtles team.

Bulldogs v. Mustangs

This should be a great game. Both teams have had up and down seasons but have shown that they have the potential to win the "B" championship. Since the Bulldogs are my favourite team I have to go with them in this close matchup.

Raiders v. Lancers

Definitely the Lancers. They are just without question the superior team here and they will win.


OPC v. Buccaneers

I think this game will be a very close matchup and I could definitely see an upset here. In the end though I have to go with the Bucs to just barely pull this one out.

Sun Devils v. All Blacks

I'm so tempted to go with the All Blacks here what with the Sun Devils not having played in what seems like months. But something deep down makes me think that Spack isn't going to let that happen. Give me the Sun Devils to be down at halftime but pull it out in the end.

Rogues v. Buckeyes

I like the Rogues to win this one. Too bad about the Buckeyes key injuries this season. If they had their full squad I good see this being a much close game. The way it stands though I have to go with the Rogues.

There are the picks.

Lets here what you think.


Posted By: JA

Posted On: Oct 21st, 2011
Views: 1957
RE: Semi Final Picks

couple mistakes.

*If they had their full squad I could see this being a much closer game*

*let's hear what you think*

Sorry rushing to get this up as I realize how in demand my picks are each week and they were already late.

Posted By: KA

Posted On: Oct 21st, 2011
Views: 1951
RE: Semi Final Picks

.. i was thinking you were throwing in the towel, sir Anthony! a few differences.. .. but on games that really could go either way... so at least you havent lost your sense.

thanks for a good year... had fun playing the prognostication game with/against you... for the most part...

next year, i will leave it all to you though... ive got something else in mind to occupy my time [pending exec approval]... plus, i just dont want a certain some '1' writing any responses to me.. at all..... so i figure its better to just not give any opportunity for drama in the new season... im so over it.. as im sure everyone else is too.. so respecting that, and realizing the other party wont leave me alone.... its up to me to bow out... before i dun get smacked! *rolls eyes*

anywhooo... good luck with your picks JA... may the better prognosticator win...

Posted By: JA

Posted On: Oct 21st, 2011
Views: 1945
RE: Semi Final Picks

I seldom make posts other than my actual picks put I'm going to make an exception to tell you that it's a damn shame that '1' person is going to ruin it for the league next year. I hope that you will at least put in your finals picks this season.

It was great sharing in prognostication with you this season. Hopefully next season someone steps up to take your place.

Go Bulldogs!!!!


Posted By: Buttercup 4 Life

Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2011
Views: 1875
RE: Semi Final Picks

JA, love the love you're showing us!! We'll put our best foot forward today for sure!!!

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