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Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Aug 22nd, 2011
Views: 1598
It's flowin

I'm gettin Super Giddy from all the JUICE!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! THE JUICE!


Giddy Up!

(That was some fun reading folks ThankYou!...... Thankyou very much!)

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 22nd, 2011
Views: 1592
RE: It's flowin

laughs.. nice when you arent the target this time, eh giddy?? ;)

you coming to the banquet?

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Aug 23rd, 2011
Views: 1561
RE: It's flowin

Kelly Kelly Kelly. I have fun either way. I guess the difference between me and The "Dying Dog 4 Life" is this. I getting older and have learned my lesson to many times regarding tooting my own horn. Only bad things can come of that sort of behavior.

Sorry TJ, I will be away for your Grand Entrance. We will have to do the shirt thing the following week.

Last but not least......Yes Kelly I will be coming to the Banquet if my schedule permits. (I guess I should say if My Lovely Wife doesn't have anything else scheduled for me, if you know what I mean, LOL!)

Keep up the Juice folks, I thrive on the Juice!

Giddy Up!

(OH sorry "Lapdog 4 Life" I didn't want to leave you out. RIP! "Done like BBQ Dog" LOL!)

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 23rd, 2011
Views: 1560
RE: It's flowin

Where am I going? I ain't goin' nowhere....
plus, I don't really recall tooting my own horn, but I could stand to be corrected on this. All I ever do is back up my team, if you wanna call that tooting my own horn, then so be it....
you ain't gettin' rid of me that easily lol
Every dog has it's day, I had mine. Simple as that.

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 23rd, 2011
Views: 1556
RE: It's flowin

wives.. pfft...

i dont know how you men deal with them....

.... thats why i got me a husband instead.


the way it works in our house, is whomever gets it scheduled in the blackberry first, gets the time... .. so just go home -- put in on your calendar, or chalkboard, or whatever you old folk do to keep track of appointments --- and YOU tell HER .... you are busy..

and then run so she doesnt slap you.. :)

Posted By: TJ

Posted On: Aug 23rd, 2011
Views: 1555
RE: It's flowin

Don't worry, Giddy Up!, it's not a Grand Entrance, it's still just a warm-up. The Provincial Tournament will be my first full-go football experience (September 10-11), and September 25th against the Lancers looks to be my "Comeback" date.

If you wear your shirt to that one, I'll sign it after my 2 TD, 1 INT game.


Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Aug 23rd, 2011
Views: 1551
RE: It's flowin

I can't wait! LOL!


Giddy Up!

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