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Posted By: John Anthony

Posted On: Aug 18th, 2011
Views: 1684
Week 6 picks

Well after copying KA's picks last week I went an impressive 7 - 1 - 1 so why change what's working this week.

I guess that kind of gives away my picks for the week but I do have to say it's nice to have some company in the prognostication world.

On to the picks


All Blacks v. Rogues

Buzz, everyone's favourite Centre turned QB turned HB, takes on his former team. Will he and his All Black clan have enough to take down the vaunted Rogues. I don't think so. Give me the Rogues to win big.

Sun Devils v. Buckeyes

Another grudge match as Spack takes on his former team. Unfortunately the Buckeyes just have too many injuries to compete with the top teams. Give me the Sun Devils to continue their winning ways.

Sun Devils v. Bulldogs

The message board game of the week. Will it translate to the on the field game of the week. Not a chance. The Sun Devils will dominate this game giving JA's favourite team their 4th loss of the season.


Raiders v. OPC

History has shown us the Raiders generally have little trouble with "C" teams (if only they were as successful with "A" teams). I don't see that trend changing this week. Give me the Raiders to have little trouble with the Cocks.

Hounds v. Longhorns

Well unless this game ends in a tie one of these two teams is going to pick up their first win of the season. I think it's pretty clear which team that will be. Congrats to the Hounds in advance on their first OTFL victory of 2011.

Hounds v. Turtles

I was actually going to take the Turtles as my upset special but after giving it more thought and seeing that KA also picked the Turtles I have to go with the Hounds. Take that KA. This game will decide who the ultimate prognosticator.


Buccaneers v. Mustangs

The Buccaneers have had 2 real tests so far this year (The Bulldogs and The Hawks) and they are 0-1-1 in those games. Can't see them beating a very tough Mustangs team. Give me the Mustangs to win this one.

Buccaneers v. Lancers

See Above. Give me the Lancers.

Lancers Hawks

See above again. Same thing holds true for the Hawks this season as they are also 0-1-1 in tough games this year. Even with the Lancers being on the second game of a double header I don't see the Hawks being able to pull this one out.

Well there you have it. Can't wait to hear Maltese 4 life's thoughts on it and as always would love to hear everyone elses thoughts as well.

Posted By: KA

Posted On: Aug 18th, 2011
Views: 1677
RE: Week 6 picks

Pfffttt. Turtles. You better get plenty of sleep and bring your game face.

You have my prognostication crown on the line.

Yer going down JA.

1st the worst, 2nd the best!!

(Please don't be all offended and threaten to untwist my girlfriends panties. Laughs)

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 20th, 2011
Views: 1594
RE: Week 6 picks

*watches the tumbleweed roll on through*

Posted By: KA

Posted On: Aug 21st, 2011
Views: 1554
RE: Week 6 picks

well... JA...

looks like you win this round...

my inside source just relayed the score to me, and my beloved Turtles didnt fair well...

alas... they were missing their best 2, with another one of their best on the injured list...

soooo.. next week.. i challenge you once again for the prognosticator champion of the OTFL belt...

im just letting you break it in a bit.. just dont get comfy with it.. once you stop copying my picks, then youll realize the closest youll get to it again is when you bow before me...

ohhhh.. i went thereeeeee!!!

[what.. .. im a sore loser.. i can admit that... ]

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