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Posted By: the cold hard truth

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 1844

okay... now.. to get down to business.. i have 2-3 days to collect the hype before JA decides to grace us with his words.. [which will no doubt be copied and pasted from below... ohhhhhh.. .. i said it!]


ALL BLACKS vs ROGUES - no contest. Rogues... i dont even have anything witty to say.. not even witty in my own mind... damn.

SUN DEVILS vs BUCKEYES - well... since the buckeyes werent able to take out the bulldogs last week, sporting more injuries than points, and the sun devils are the creme de la creme right now... this is another no brainer... Sun Devils will keep on keeping on.

SUN DEVILS vs BULLDOGS - no contest.. Bulldogs..

ohhhhh.. im just kidding #47... untwist those panties... obviously I take the Sun Devils on this... I think ASU is just what the doctor ordered to remedy that 'case of the cocky'. I see this being a landslide.... because the sun devils will wanna prove that all yippy dogs will be muzzled eventually.


RAIDERS vs OPC - the Raiders could show up drunk (or show up sober, and get drunk while playing which is probably more accurate), and still beat the cocks. SO... give me the raiders... even their worst 7 (no i wont name names!!! ;) ), to easily beat the cocks. I think the cocks have a lot of potential, just need to channel their aggression into making great plays, and not arguing the stupid shit.

HOUNDS vs LONGHORNS - The Hounds. ummmm... should i comment again on how nice the Longhorns BLUE jerseys are? ;) they seem to have fun out there.. so cheers to the longhorns.. but I think the Hounds may finally get going in an upward motion after the neutral tie to halt their downward spiral (ohhh.. NIN reference for the win!).

HOUNDS vs TURTLES - hrmmm.. you know what.. after seeing a very impressive Turtles team play the hawks last week.. im going to say Turtles on this one.. (i know i know.. "but kelly, you just said the hounds may finally get going in an upward motion"... yeah... MAY .. and... this MAY end being another tie). Given the fact that the turtles are getting their shit together.. and given the fact that the Hounds will be on the 2nd part of their double header (albeit a relatively easy one), I am gonna go for the underdogs. soooo... everybody now: TURTLES, TURTLES, RAH RAH RAH!


BUCCANEERS vs MUSTANGS - The mustangs are gonna mop the floor with these scallywags... sure, the buccaneers are in the top running spot for the C division, but I see the mustangs doing very well in the B division (unless they get flipped up to the A division). since it comes down to simple alphabetical knowledge, those mustangs will be galloping away triumphantly..

BUCCS vs LANCERS - well.. first the buccs take on the horses, then they take on the knights who ride them ... (figuratively speaking).... if the mustangs dont leave them for dead, the lancers surely will. I dont even think michael jackson's "thriller" could revive the buccaneers after this weekends brutal scheduling.. damn scott.. why you gotta be so mean?? (i like this side of you... rarrrr).

HAWKS vs LANCERS - hrmmmm.. this is tough for me... i like the lancers.. but.. i love my hawks... i see it being close.. lancers playing a double header (although it will be an easy, effortless first game), and the hawks coming out fully revitalized and flying high from a double victory last weekend... but.. alas.. i think in the end, my gut says to pick the lancers.. and be there with a box of tissues for scott.. :(

thats it my beautiful OTFL family...

none of yall better be effing up my records by going against my 'cold hard truths'.

and on a side note: to respect the league, and keep it happening next year.. can everyone please make an effort to tidy up after themselves.. we have been noticing ridiculous and unjustifiable garbage left behind at the fields.. and really.. thats what will cause us to lose the permits. no permits = no fields.. no fields = no football (or, the need to raise league fees to pay for more expensive fields).

im not saying act like you are on probation and pick up everything.. but.. major garbage should be discarded with properly.. thanks.

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 1841

wow.. ive had a rough day when..............

i accidentally reverse the title & my posting name..

im a loser. :(

a dumb loser..

BUT... thats not to take away from my predictions... thems be golden...

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 17th, 2011
Views: 1797

Well, well, well, here we go again, the Bulldogs are underdogs, no surprise there lmao.
Although I'll be honest, I'd put us in the underdog category this week as well, but that's just the way we love it. We love being the underdogs and then proving people wrong. Will it happen this week? All I'm going to say is any given sunday any team can beat another, so we'll be at the field, we'll be ready to go to war, and we'll do our best to turn some heads in this league. It may take a win over the Devils in order to "get noticed" I guess lol. They are the reigning champs and will continue to be until they're dethroned. We'd love to be the team that puts that first 1 under the Loss column. We'll see how things play out come Sunday at noon!
One thing for sure, it'll be a good game!

SUN DEVILS vs BULLDOGS - no contest.. Bulldogs..

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 17th, 2011
Views: 1787

there we go!!! :) i definitely think you guys will come in with 110%... and should you lose, i think you guys will take a lot away from it, from a learning point...

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 17th, 2011
Views: 1786

Yours absolutely right Kelly, but we ain't going in there with the mentality that "we'll learn something from the loss", we're going in with the mentality that we're going to try to hang the first loss on their record!

Posted By: #47

Posted On: Aug 17th, 2011
Views: 1778

Umm I don't even know you...so easy about the untwist of panties...the only panties I untwist is your girlfriend one's. Lmbao don't talk unless u can back it! :)

Posted By: Brett

Posted On: Aug 17th, 2011
Views: 1777

Good for you Bulldog for life, having faith in your team is always a good thing!!!!!

Posted By: Prediction

Posted On: Aug 17th, 2011
Views: 1767

Having played both teams, I predict the sun devils will win easily 35-6. The young bulldogs defense(very athletic)will get picked apart by the sun devils motion offense. The sun devils attacking defense will cause Bulldogs qbs to hurry their throws and make mistakes. Bulldogs are a decent team on the rise but no where near the level of the sun devils . They are defending champs for a reason. Good luck to all.

Posted By: Blue 52

Posted On: Aug 18th, 2011
Views: 1749

It seems almost every time negative support is shown to the bulldogs they seem to win... bulletin board material, literally. Feed those who are hungry and they'll keep coming back for another meal! I love the enthusiasm they bring to games, so good luck guys, although the devils are damn good.

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 18th, 2011
Views: 1735


.... i am a girl.. i don't have a girlfriend..

although.. if i did.. i think scott would have an extra hop in his step.... laughs..

and i cant back it.. i dont really play football.. its no secret that i dont even really like the sport.. but alas... im here to help scott run the league... so yes... you are definitely more the man, and more the football player, than i will ever be!! :D no questions asked... (thankfully!)

Posted By: :)

Posted On: Aug 18th, 2011
Views: 1734

LOL. Nice Kelly. Sounds like #47's panties are twisted pretty tight. He needs to relax.

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 18th, 2011
Views: 1731

yeah seriously!! i was worried he was gonna challenge me to a pissing contest next.. and ill be honest... im no good at pissing contests... :( ive tried......

haha.. ewwwwww.. no i haventttttt.. thats crazy talk!!!


Posted By: KA

Posted On: Aug 21st, 2011
Views: 1677

well..... goddamnit.... the turtles choked....

apparently they had some absentees.. and an injury.. soooo... yeah... maybe if i was privy to that info, i wouldve went with the "what wasnt the upset" Hounds like my boy JA...

so this weeks games was 8-1

making it a running total 15-2-1

surely, i have to be winning people over by now..... especially since JA is just riding my coat tails...... ..... you know it!

hrmmm... insert some witty "mortal combat" threatening sounding kinda enticement command... you know you were just saying scorpion's "get over here" in your head!!

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Oshawa Touch Football League