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Post Info TOPIC: sacks
Posted By: allan

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 1593

im missing a sack i should have five. thx :-)

Posted By: allan

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 1589
RE: sacks

the league should keep track of players numbers better!!

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 1578
RE: sacks

As has been stated in the past numerous times both on the message board and via email it is the team rep or any player that is worried about the accuracy of their stats to check the gamecard immediately after the game for accuracy. At that time they can discuss with the referee any stats that may have been missed while it is still fresh in everyone's mind and the card can be change accordingly by the referee if needed.

Once the cards have been submitted to the executive the stats on the submitted cards are final.



Posted By: allan

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 1562
RE: sacks

ok tru enough. lol

Posted By: allan

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 1561
RE: sacks

thx scott

Posted By: allan

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 1560
RE: sacks

i wasnt trying to complain or anything...i was juss stating

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 1556
RE: sacks

Hi Allan,

Sorry I didn't mean for my response to come off as anything against you. I just know this has been issue throughout the season and the only solution I can come up with is the one above. I was mostly just trying to drive home the point that teams need to double check the score cards after their games for accuracy.



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Oshawa Touch Football League