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Posted By: prognosticator

Posted On: Aug 15th, 2011
Views: 2805
regular season predictions

The season is about half over and already the divisions look pretty much settled at least in terms of top 2 and bottom 2 with the exception of the top 2 in "B" division.


top 2 -> Sun Devils, Rogues
bottom 2 -> Buckeyes, All Blacks


top 2 -> two out of Lancers, Mustangs and Bulldogs (my prediction is Mustangs and Bulldogs)

bottom 2 -> Hounds and Raiders


top 2 -> Hawks and Buccaneers

bottom 2 -> two out of Turtles, OPC and Longhorns (Looks like the Longhorns are a lock for last place and I see OPC joining them in the basement).

As for teams moving up and down come playoff time I see a lot of movement as I see Mustangs moving up to the "A" and the bulldogs with a decent chance of moving up as well.

In the B/C games I can see both the Hawks and Buccaneers moving up in games against the Raiders and Hounds.

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 15th, 2011
Views: 2798
RE: regular season predictions

What's this? The Bulldgogs getting a hint of respect? Wow, I'm gonna send a postcard back home in celebration!

Posted By: Observer

Posted On: Aug 15th, 2011
Views: 2794
RE: regular season predictions

From my vantage point the sun devils are the best team in the Oshawa League. The Lancers are tearing up the TFONT tournament tour are also a top team. Don't let their ok record to date fool you. Heard their regular qb (Jay) has not been playing yet. When he plays , they become a top level team capable of beating anyone.
The Rogues have alot of AA & A players on their team and look good too.
Sorry, the Bulldogs have some young talent but not quite ready to be up their with big boys yet.Looks like they got lit up yesterday to a solid mustangs team. I will give them props for being champs of the message board!

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 15th, 2011
Views: 2792
RE: regular season predictions

Observer, no excuses are on our part but it was simply an emotional letdown after a huge win against a solid Buckeyes team. I wouldn't put too much stock into the mustangs win against us as it was more a case of us losing the game (mental errors) than them beating us. Just take a look at their second game of their back-to-back against the Rogues, a big goose egg laid on the board in going down 18-0 to a 8 man Rogues team.
Just saying!!


Posted On: Aug 15th, 2011
Views: 2737
RE: regular season predictions

Bulldog for life, don't forget you also lost to the Rogues in the 2nd game of a double header by more points than the Mustangs. Slagging on them is not very cool !! instead why don't you man up & just focus on your team!!! REMEMBER WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE ROGUES HERE :)

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 15th, 2011
Views: 2726
RE: regular season predictions

By no means was I "slagging" on the Mustangs. They're a great team, but so are we. Hey every dog has it's day, the Mustangs showed up and played well, so kudos.

Posted By: Observer

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 2715
RE: regular season predictions

No, you guys are not a great team. By constantly reminding yourselves you guys are great, does not make you great...has anyone else told you guys you were great? GAWD

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 2712
RE: regular season predictions

Lol, actually yeah, they have on more than a few occassions. But even if no one has, if a team don't think they're great then they shouldn't be playing football. It's a totally different thing if they can back it up or not, but the mindset should be the same no matter what.

Posted By: observer2

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 2697
RE: regular season predictions

I noticed that the bulldogs are picked on alot they picked to be beaten and when results are in and they overcome the haters odds you make excuses for the other team give credit where credit is due from what i see their not a great team but a pretty good team playing team good teams back to back is a hard thing to do everyteam in this league knows that so just shut up and play some ball when the season is said and done then yo can say i told you so

Posted By: observer2

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 2695
RE: regular season predictions

two good teams**

Posted By: Really???

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 2684
RE: regular season predictions

Did observer2 actually just correct his mistake where he meant to say "two good teams" but felt that the remainder of his atrocity of a message was fine. LOL.

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 16th, 2011
Views: 2676
RE: regular season predictions

hahahaa.... to the above typist: I thought the EXACT same thing....

and then saw you wrote it first... :)

yeah.. it took me like 5 re-reads to understand what observer2 was saying..

and i know that with my lack of proper punctuation and capitalization my messages arent the easiest.... but damn.... i hope they arent THAT hard to read?

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