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Post Info TOPIC: Prognostication
Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 8th, 2011
Views: 2203

JA....hit us up with your weekly pics homey!!!!
It's been far too long between games...need something to start the message board up again, Giddy's boring lol

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 9th, 2011
Views: 2166
RE: Prognostication

well... i may not be JA.. but im KA.. and thats only 1 letter away in the alphabet.. nods.. so lets do this shit.


Buckeyes vs Bulldogs. ... Buckeyes.. for sure.. sorry purse pooch 4 life, as good as you guys are coming along, I still think the buckeyes are better... This will be an easy win for the Buckeyes, who will likely just run it half tilt..... just because they can...

Mustangs vs Bulldogs... hrmm.. I dont really know anything about the Mustangs.. and since this is the Bulldogs 2nd game of a tough double header Sunday, Im gonna say the defeat from the first game, the heat, and the exhaustion will tally this up as another loss for the bulldogs.. but I don't think it will be by a landslide.... more like 1 score to 2... or maybe 3.

Rogues vs Mustangs.. Rogues... very easily.. especially with the assistance of this being the Mustangs 2nd game of the day.


All Blacks vs Raiders... this will be a good match up.. and for me, I think it can go either way.. however, given that the All Blacks had last weekend in Unionville, and the Raiders havent played in a few weeks..... I think them bad boy Raiders will be a bit rusty and the WD40 won't kick in early enough for them to play at their best ability... so All Blacks for a win in a close game.

All Blacks vs Hounds... I will take the All Blacks again in another close one... even though its their 2nd in a double header, I think they will ride the pride from their first victory, straight into another.

Sun Devils vs Lancers... Sun Devils just got their CC Champ Title at Unionville for a reason... so unless 3/4 of their roster got injured at the tourney, I will take the Sun Devils over the Lancers by at least 2 scores.


Longhorns vs Buccaneers... Although I would love to see the Longhorns take this game, to give the Hawks sole possession of 1st place in the C, I don't think it will happen this week.. .. Buccaneers will make the Longhorns look like school girls who are more interested in looking hot in their turquoise uniforms, than breaking a sweat and playing the game... This will be an easy victory for the Bucc's who, hopefully, will be gracious winners and not run up the score too high... (ps. your jersey colour is my fave by far, longhorns... so you guys are my secret love whom I root for when no ones looking).

Hawks vs Turtles... Hawks, Hawks, Rah Rah Rah! Ohhhh... I love Hawks..... doesn't quite have the same ring to the jingle.. but.. since the Turtles don't stand a chance at winning.... this is the way the jingle will be sang this week, boys!

Hawks vs OPC... well.. being from the same family (Hawks and Cocks), one would think this would be a pretty fair match up... but.. the Cocks just seem to go a bit flaccid when the Hawks show their talons... but hey.. who could blame them? like a repeat from the first match up against these guys, the Hawks will leave them limp... and not in a good way.

... Unlike Sir Anthony.... I don't want your people to scrutinize my work.. the above is a masterpiece of truths... if i were a gambling woman, id be making a wheelbarrows worth of cash on my psychic predictions..

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 9th, 2011
Views: 2161
RE: Prognostication

ok ok.... feedback is fine... but no getting all angry and/or crying...

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 9th, 2011
Views: 2156
RE: Prognostication

Hey KA, I have to say I like JA better, but he'd probably make the same call against us this weekend as you did. Here's one thing I can guarantee, we're comin' prepared for war and we're gonna leave everything on the field. Now, of course I'm biased in my views (not like you, soooooo unbiased lmao), but all I'm saying is we've been on quite a roll and we'll be looking to continue that trend this weekend. The heat shouldn't be too much of a factor since our games are early in the morning.
We'll be barking up a storm all morning at Central, we'll put on a good show for ya'll...come out and watch!
WOOF WOOF WOOF Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 9th, 2011
Views: 2155
RE: Prognostication

welllll.... you only like JA because he roots for you every once in awhile... give me time.... ill predict you win a game in at least 1 future game ;) even if it kills my track record.. ohhhh.. i so went there!

you guys definitely have a tough weekend.. id love to come and watch the mustangs game which i think will be a closer match..... if you guys dont burn out after the early game..

but alas.. my unbiased loyalties have me at donevan watching the hawks in their double header.. :)

i guess thats another thing that differentiates me from my alphabetical successor.... hes the clarke kent of the OTFL.. so no idea if he has any bias for his team or not? unless... maybe.. hes one of the refs??? hrmmmmmmm... maybe he is another she and im not the only girl on the message board? all oldschool female writers used to have a male pen name... thats it.. my new pen name is Kelly. [masculine version, of course]. This still doesn't solve who JA is though.. laughs.. but im not really one to keep on topic. *ohhh.. something shiny*

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Aug 9th, 2011
Views: 2150
RE: Prognostication

Your such a crack head! LOL!

Oops.........did I just say that? Still love the Kelly Kelly Kelly Kell Aehhhhhhhhhhhh! Excuse Me!


Giddy Up!

(I need to grow up!)

Posted By: Blue 52

Posted On: Aug 9th, 2011
Views: 2143
RE: Prognostication

Thanks for the uniform love, Kelly, at least look we good wearing 'em! Although... turquoise? Women really DO see different colours than men, cuz they're definitely blue!

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 9th, 2011
Views: 2143
RE: Prognostication

ive lived in oshawa for 97% of my life... of course im a crack head.. :)

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 9th, 2011
Views: 2137
RE: Prognostication

Blue 52... no no.. you MEN see colour differently.. :) they are turquoise.. bright blue turquoise.. exhibit A:


either way... :) call them red for all i care.. they are beautiful. in... a... manly kinda beautiful way... ;)

Posted By: Blue 52

Posted On: Aug 10th, 2011
Views: 2094
RE: Prognostication

Hah, okay it's a little that colour, i'll give you that. Darker, though!

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 11th, 2011
Views: 2065
RE: Prognostication

:D ... boys and their colours...

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 14th, 2011
Views: 2002
RE: Prognostication


what the hell happened buckeyes???

sigh.. you killed my perfect entry..

either way.. 7 - 1 - 1 for me..

not bad.. since im just a girl and stuff...

..... *hits forehead with palm over buckeyes losing to the bulldogs*

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 14th, 2011
Views: 1997
RE: Prognostication

Hey Kelly...........told you so ;)

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 15th, 2011
Views: 1982
RE: Prognostication

hrmmm... someone on your team is besties with Jesus the miracle worker..

just sayin ;)

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 15th, 2011
Views: 1974
RE: Prognostication

We were the better team yesterday, simple as that

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 15th, 2011
Views: 1966
RE: Prognostication

yeah.. the win speaks out to that...

im just still in shock.. my buckeyes are crumbling.. i do know a cpl of their top players are on the injured list.. but.. im not making excuses for them..

bulldogs beat the buckeyes.. so congrats.

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