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Post Info TOPIC: Unionville
Posted By: #84 Devils

Posted On: Aug 4th, 2011
Views: 1636

Good luck and have a safe/healthy tournament to everyone playing this weekend! Feels like a long time since I last played football so I know I'm looking forward to it!

Also, anyone looking to get together out in a field in Ajax for interval/speed training starting mid-august let me know. Only $5 and all proceeds will go to a local sporting charity or under privledged child in the community who wants to play a sport but parents can't afford... wherever the money goes, we'll decide as a group later.


Posted By: #47

Posted On: Aug 8th, 2011
Views: 1579
RE: Unionville

A good weekend, could of had a chance to win B title but winning CC is ok too. To all the Sun Devil players who played this weekend, yall were definetly balling!!! Estaban your the man! Thanks buddy see you in league.

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Oshawa Touch Football League