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Post Info TOPIC: Little Bulldoggy
Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Aug 1st, 2011
Views: 1687
Little Bulldoggy

My goodness, the way you shoot your yip off you'd think you were the 2nd coming of Neon Deion. Buddy, I've seen you play, played on your team and played against you.

Your a good player......wait...... good C level maybe B at best(stretching it a little).

I may be old and starting to play like it during the odd hung over game. At least I have an excuse.

Whats yours, cause you ain't any better than I. It must be the fact that your a PUNK! LOL!

Ahhhhhhhh! Love the Juice!

Giddy Up!

( I know there are a few All Black players rolling on the floor right now!)

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 1st, 2011
Views: 1683
RE: Little Bulldoggy

Ahhhh Giddy, you've become sensitive in your old age lol. Listen, the big difference between my game and your game is that I'm still on the rise, whereas you are clearly and have been in a decline for awhile now. I've never claimed to be the next Neon Deon but I know I'm a damn good player, in ascension. As for those All Blacks rolling on the floor, I'm just going to point to the scoreboard from when we played them. Nuff said!
Take that to the BANK!!!

Posted By: #47 SUN DEVIL

Posted On: Aug 2nd, 2011
Views: 1679
RE: Little Bulldoggy

And I thought I was bad...lol you guys are really funny. Keep it up I enjoy reading this stuff. Wanna know who these guys are, I wanna see yall play! Sounds to me like yall got the chirping down...now let's see who the baller is? (On the field)

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 2nd, 2011
Views: 1673
RE: Little Bulldoggy

Hey Devil, glad you're enjoyin' the banter lol. As for me and Giddy, well we go way back, a few years actually, correct me if i'm wrong Giddy (actually nevermind, at your age it'd be hard to remember anything past yesterday lmao). Hard to say who is better as I don't play QB, which Giddy or aka "Pick 6" does lol.

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Aug 2nd, 2011
Views: 1672
RE: Little Bulldoggy

Ain't it funny that he thinks he knowas who I am. Apparently everyone in the league knows who I am but him.

Never been a QB Bulldog, ask around. Im not worried if you know who i am but its fun that you dont.

Giddy Up!

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 2nd, 2011
Views: 1667
RE: Little Bulldoggy

Brain fart on my part, I guess I got ahead of myself. The only thing I need to know bout who u are is the fact that we got the W in our game. To me, quite frankly nothing else matters, booyah!!
Woof woof woof

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 2nd, 2011
Views: 1645
RE: Little Bulldoggy

Mr. "all in" Barry

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Aug 2nd, 2011
Views: 1626
RE: Little Bulldoggy


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