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Post Info TOPIC: Shitty board
Posted By: Worst message board possible

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 3298
Shitty board

I have never seen a worse message board. No trash, no quality. No nothin. Step up league or cancel the mother fuckin thing. Scott implied Whitby is a lesser league but it at least has half decent trash talk. The real otfl (Ottawa) rocks tt.

Posted By: Ass man

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 3294
RE: Shitty board

True, only like 3 ppl even write on the board need to see more

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 3286
RE: Shitty board

Nice language potty mouth. You can have a fun message board and still have a touch of class my friend.

Glad you don't like it....good ridence pal!

A little bit of moldy sour Juice!

Giddy Up!

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 3276
RE: Shitty board

I take great offence to the "lack of trash talk", I think I bring quite a bit of that to the message board and everybody seems to love it!!

Posted By: Raider 1

Posted On: Jul 30th, 2011
Views: 3234
RE: Shitty board

Bulldog do not even comment on the person who started the thread. He is a RazzHole!

We enjoy and that is all that matters.

Also, I know Scott(our President) if that is who is refering too, he would never say anything negative about another board/league/team/person. That is just not his style.

Now Kelly well that is another thing totally!

So we will let Kelly chat for her self!

By the way if the person who started this thread had any real sense he would left us his name so we could talk shit about him and his team. Ha Ha!

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 30th, 2011
Views: 3222
RE: Shitty board

Lol Raider, true! No balls for whoever started this one lol

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 30th, 2011
Views: 3207
RE: Shitty board

Bring on the Juice, Chicken #$%@! boy, Bring on the Juice!

Giddy Up!

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 31st, 2011
Views: 3136
RE: Shitty board

haha... i love how its out there that i definitely dont need anyone to say anything on my behalf.. i love being more than capable..

but really.. all i have to say about this guy is clearly... he needs guidance.

someone to teach him how to properly associate things.. and not mish mash everything in his head and then make false accusations.

scotts never said whitby is shitty..

wmfl is extremely different from otfl.. (i better clarify OSHAWA.. not OTTAWA... *rolls eyes* give me a fucking break). ... in saying they are extremely different is not saying one is better than the other.... scott plays in both -- and has played in both for years.. so he obviously enjoys it... dont put words into scotts mouth.. only i can do that.

but i do love how you imply that in order to be a good league, one must have a message board with good trash talking... so the quality of the game, and the quality of how the league is run, and the quality of the players amounts to nothing.. nope.. but hey -- throw a guy with WiFi out there and give him some choice 4-letter words, and presto!!! League of the Universe...

sure... more posts would make for more lunch break/bed time reading... but... alas.. the lack of it surely doesnt take away from the quality of our league... maybe our guys would rather braid one anothers hair and compliment how good they look in their jersey colour... not everyone needs to put up their dukes..... and type mean things.

..... luckily... i type over 100 wpm.. so i didnt waste all that much time on this... now i can go back to braiding scotts hair..

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 1st, 2011
Views: 3076
RE: Shitty board

They want trash talk?! Is that what they want?! Fine!!! Kelly you braid like a girl.....wait a minute....you are a girl...scratch that.
Ummmmmmm..... Giddy you're old! Ha!! There!!! Now that's trash talk!
Take it to the bank!!!


Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Aug 1st, 2011
Views: 3036
RE: Shitty board

Oh My!.......The devestation!........

My turn to be childish......

Bulldog, YOUR A PUNK!

Giddy Up!

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 2nd, 2011
Views: 2970
RE: Shitty board


Posted By: Andy-the-ex-vp

Posted On: Aug 4th, 2011
Views: 2830
RE: Shitty board

What does "The real otfl (Ottawa) rocks it" even mean. Disgruntled person hiding behind a false name that isn't a cool one (like Giddy Up, or Bulldog 4 Wives).

First off...ONTFL is the Ottawa league...I know because I play on 3 teams in it.

Second. Whitby league is a more fun league, not as competitive as far as competition goes, even though it seems as if you run more (go Silver from a couple years ago). If you need to know the difference, there are many players that play in both.

3rd. Giddy UP! is a cool guy, I hope you still have your shirt. Kelly, I hope that you are making sure Scott stays out of trouble.

Go Raiders, Devils, and Hawks!


Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Aug 5th, 2011
Views: 2803
RE: Shitty board

Hi Andy, where have you been hiding. Thanks for the compliments, your a cool guy as well.

What shirt are you refering to.......The "I Love TJ" shirt perhaps. If so the answer is definitely.

Probably the most fun prize I've ever been given. I'll wear it out to the field in the next few weeks.

Dude that trashed our message board can go %^#* his hat, he's a jerk!

Long live the OTFL!

Giddy Up!

Posted By: TJ

Posted On: Aug 5th, 2011
Views: 2788
RE: Shitty board

Giddy, you can't wear that shirt until I make my return! I'm less than a month away, I'll be playing in either the last weekend of August or first games of September. I'll make sure to give you some notice

The Buckeyes are improving the same way the Green Bay Packers did this year -- wait for players to come back from injury!

And as long as I can play at 80% of what I used to be or better, I'll help fill the void on some of the trash talk around here.


Posted By: Brett

Posted On: Aug 5th, 2011
Views: 2784
RE: Shitty board

great to hear your getting better, hope to see you soon on the field & healthy

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 6th, 2011
Views: 2757
RE: Shitty board

Hey TJ, too bad you'll miss our game next weekend.

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Aug 6th, 2011
Views: 2737
RE: Shitty board

Its a deal TJ let me know!

Unfortunately for you "Scooby Doo for Life" they are not going to need TJ.

Even the Sun Devils have a hard time scoring on the Buckeyes defense. I predict a shut out unless you get a few defensive scores. 27 nothing for the Buckeyes. Good Luck!

Just being honest.

Giddy Up!

(Take it as motivation)

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 6th, 2011
Views: 2724
RE: Shitty board

Wow Giddy, calling a shutout eh? Very gutsy! I think it'll be a close game, it'll come down to the 4th quarter. One thing for sure is we're comin for a war and we're leaving everything on the field. Definitely looking forward to the challenge!!!

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Aug 11th, 2011
Views: 2418
RE: Shitty board

aww.. didnt notice the last few posts..

andy -- of course im keeping scott outta trouble.. but that was never the worry.. its more the worry about scott keeping me outta trouble.. and.. well.. hes only doing a half-assed job ;) just the way i like it..

giddy --- i cant wait to see the shirt back in action!! :) im glad you dont mind taking it out of the 'shadow box picture frame' its mounted within for safe keeping ;)

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Aug 12th, 2011
Views: 2356
RE: Shitty board

Anything for the TEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Giddy Up!

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Aug 15th, 2011
Views: 2214
RE: Shitty board

Hey Giddy, let me know if you need me to give you a fork so you can eat your words!!

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