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Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1787
Snooze fest

Wow, I guess everyone is locked in on the NFL free agency period cuz this message board has officially gone comotose. Do I have to insult someone to get some banter going? Geezz....
Hey Giddy...your team sucks!
there, let the party begin!

Posted By: Raider1

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1783
RE: Snooze fest

Bulldog be careful we might just come and cut your little puppy footBALLS of to come you done! LOL

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1782
RE: Snooze fest

Lol Raider1, I think we're the ones with the scissors after the 38-6 shallacking we laid on ya'll last week.

Posted By: Giddy Up

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1778
RE: Snooze fest

As usual, nothing intelligent to say.

I for one have always believed in the "don't wake the sleeping lion" theory. I also don't think its right to lip off in a manner where you are putting extra pressure on your teammates.

Obviously you do not share the same ideas.

I just like to kid around with Diss and Datt. LOL!

I sure hope all the lipping about how good the Bulldogs are doesn't jump up and bite you in the end. You would sure look foolish.

I like my team, and hope that we can improve on our past performances. You never know what the future holds......Do You?

Good Luck, "Full of Bull for life" you may need it.

Giddy Up!

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1776
RE: Snooze fest

Lol, wow Giddy you sure got sensitive all of a sudden!! I knew my post would stir you up lol. Listen, the only real time I guaranteed wins was against your team and the Hawks, and we went out and delivered. Against the Raiders, I made no such proclamation as I had a feeling it'd be a tight one. Our next few games will definitely challenge us and that's why we play, to be challenged!
My boys are all on board, I don't go overboard, I don't go off saying we ain't losing any more games or anything stupid like that. I just believe in our team and am vocal bout it!

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1764
RE: Snooze fest


you guys im sure have heard about my touchdown.

thankyou..... thankyou........

i am now ready to destroy the bulldogs on the field.. single-handedly.. ill even QB to myself im that awesome.

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1762
RE: Snooze fest

LOL Kelly, I hope your distraction worked for old man Giddy...he was getting his panties in a bunch earlier lol.
Congrats on your first touchdown, there better be more where that came from.
Maybe next year I'll venture into the co-ed league as well and be a sh*t disturber and wreck havoc on weekdays!!

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1758
RE: Snooze fest

:) Im fine with just the 1... im not too bad with catching (Ive never played football prior.. and really.. had no interest but was forced.. FORCED!!!] but im too fat to run... plus i hate running... so i dont. ... :)

but all in all.. .. the co-ed flag side of things is going pretty well.. i think everyone is enjoying themselves!! hoping to expand next year for sure.. this year was a trial year so we only wanted 4 teams, and ended up turning individual registrants away because we were at max. sooo.. yeah.. thats promising!! :D

its a lot less competitive.. a lot of freshies.. soooo.. come out.. definitely.. but :) use that side of the league to bring out some non-bulldogs (non-olympian, rather) players.. laughs.. so the rest of us dont get destroyed.. we tried to make the teams as well-rounded and even as possible.. but obviously have no control over teams that sign up as a team...

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1756
RE: Snooze fest

Glad to hear the co-ed league went well, and hopefully next year it will expand. Don't worry, I'll tell my dawgs to lay low, but I might have to join in on the fun!!!

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1737
RE: Snooze fest

You know the women like a little sensitivity in a man.

Oh wait you probably don't. Not surprised.

Just keep focusing on the red cape Bull. It'll get you far. LOL!

"Castrated Bull for Life" Ouch!

I Love the Juice Bully, I love the Juice!

Giddy Up!

Posted By: Raider 1

Posted On: Jul 30th, 2011
Views: 1728
RE: Snooze fest

Giddy Up be kind to Bulldog!
Bulldog enjoy your victory and victories! You guys are a good group of young talented football players and will proably be the A champs in about 3-5 years if you keep developing the way you are.

I give you guy enough respect! I always said once they get a QB and learn a little more they will be good.

The one thing the Bulldogs got on all the teams in the league is youth. Oh yah no real fat bulldogs either(LOL).

Next time we play you we will have to rely on experience because your youth will always outdo the endurance of older men.

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 30th, 2011
Views: 1723
RE: Snooze fest

Mad respect Raider1, appreciate the support. I know you guys were tge only team before the year started that bigged us up, and knew what we were capable of.
Looking forward to our continued development, I'm sure we'll have our bumps but as long as as learn from them then it's a good!!

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 30th, 2011
Views: 1719
RE: Snooze fest

I never said they weren't good. I just like to get his GOAT!

Oh yes that reminds me " Goat for Life" LOL!

Giddy Up!

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