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Post Info TOPIC: ????
Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2011
Views: 1743

Where's our week in review? I'm dying here....Giddy is boring and putting me to sleep (as he probably takes naps while writing a post due to his old age lol), need some good entertaining reading!!!
Gotta hear how our third win in a row is going to be minimized by some off the wall rationale.

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2011
Views: 1736
RE: ????

id like to know the answer to that very same question.. clearly.. our PR guy is dead.

scott.. i guess that leaves it up to you to put one together.... entertain our leagues #1b fan..

[and make sure you talk shit about how they like... put chloroform on the Raider's sweat rags as to get the upper hand or something.. ;) ]

this could be why mr. pr [a raider] hasnt written the review yet.. .. still suffering from the effects from the chloroform.. now its allllll coming together...

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2011
Views: 1733
RE: ????

You died a miserable death long ago. LOL!

We need my old friend TJ to return. Miss you buddy!

By the way what ever happened to the legendary KC?

Giddy Up!

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2011
Views: 1727
RE: ????

hahaha.. i wouldnt go so far as saying KC is legendary.. dear god giddy... the last thing that man needs is more ego boosting! laughs.. ..

scott has just sent us all the rough copy for the review.. sooo.. it should be up shortly..

TJ... he was out at co-ed on Monday and played in lieu of Rafuse as the QB for Urine Trouble... it was a tease for him though... since.. well.. hes still on the injured list.. :( poor guy

speaking of which.. Rob Wilson... you around? wondering how you are doing these days?? hoping the diagnosis wasn't brutal... ? :( Urine Trouble sure could've used your blue socks stomping around the field...

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2011
Views: 1723
RE: ????

Chloroform? Really? lol, they were actually *roofies* lol, they got raped on the field, sorry coulnd't resist.
Giddy...you make me laugh, your attempts to entertain are themsevles quite entertaining.
Where's my number one fan, "will this guy ever shut up"????!?!? I miss him....I think he was long overdue for a hug lol.
I'm standing by biting my fingernails in anticipation of the week in review!!!!
This ought to be good, it better be good ;)

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2011
Views: 1713
RE: ????

roofies... .. damnitall..

dont let scott know you have access to those.. or i may be in trouble!

Posted By: Kevin

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1656
RE: ????

PR guy is not dead! Just figured that he had a couple of days since we were off for three weeks.

He/I was working on it Wednesday morning but the bossy Presidents wife kick his butt to do the write up before him.

As usually he got in trouble becasue of me! Sorry Scott!

I have a couple of cold beers for you!

AS for Bulldog for life! Great win over us Raiders! You spank us good! We now know you have lost your puppy teeth! You little Bulldogs have to just stop nipping at the refs.

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1655
RE: ????

Actually I had almost finished the week in review for week 4 before Kelly had even made her post and had started it before the post on the message board requesting it. The deadline that we set for the Week in Reviews to be completed was Tuesday night. So when I hadn't seen anything by Wednesday morning I started working on it.

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1652
RE: ????

Hey Kevin, thanks for the kudos. But if we stop nipping at the refs then we'll be known as a "nice" team, and there's no way we're having any of that lol

Posted By: anonymous 4 life

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1647
RE: ????

Well if you keep doing it you may get kicked out and possibly suspended and then you would be known as "non-existent" team :).

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2011
Views: 1645
RE: ????

We know our limits, I mean we ain't no Westney FC lmao

Posted By: Raider 1

Posted On: Jul 30th, 2011
Views: 1633
RE: ????

Yah true Scot! My bad! But as Kelly say's "you have nothing to do at work all day anyway's" LOL

Thanks for the look out! You the man as always!

Bulldog! I have changed my mind keep nipping at the ref's they need it too keep some of them awake sometimes.

Plus it makes game more interesting!

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 30th, 2011
Views: 1630
RE: ????

Oh don't worry on that front, we'll keep nipping but not just at the refs, the teams too lol

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 31st, 2011
Views: 1620
RE: ????

laughs.. scott may not have much better to be doing at work.. but.. hes still at work!!

mr. teacher.

on summer break...

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