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Post Info TOPIC: Co-Ed Football talks
Posted By: JARED

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2011
Views: 1788
Co-Ed Football talks

Well its hard to beleive that there is only 2 games remaining in the regular season until the playoffs get goin.

With Great success of the co-ed league (Monday Nights @ Donevan)taking off, the title is up for grabs and any team can turn things around come playoffs.

Presently with a full four team league all the games have been fairly close on all playing levels. On the women's side of the game this season has been a huge success as the Women are taking the league by storm.

Can hardly wait for the playoffs to begin, Good Luck to all Ballers.

Regards, Jared

PS Don't forget about the new 12 inch Pulled Pork Sub available at all Ontario Subway locations.

Posted By: Co-ed Junkie

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2011
Views: 1778
RE: Co-Ed Football talks

Congrats to Kelly on her first TD yesterday as well.

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2011
Views: 1761
RE: Co-Ed Football talks

thanks Junkie... I told Scott I wanted a catch that actually mattered... now I can retire from the game of co-ed flag football with a smile on my face.. :D

Jared --- the season has been going by rather quickly.. our intercepticons may have been slow out of the gates, but thats cause we like to size up our competition.. .... our strategy is to SEEM like we *ahem* suck.. but really.. we are super awesome... we've got cube power now.. look out yellow, white, and maroon...

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2011
Views: 1753
RE: Co-Ed Football talks

Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly


We are all JUST GIDDY!

Giddy Up!

(Really I'm Giddy because "Turkey Dog for life" is finally settling into his rightful place as a more silent bystander.)

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2011
Views: 1747
RE: Co-Ed Football talks

:) thanks giddy!!! :D

and come on.... nimmy nim aint thaaaatttt bad.. laughs.. he has given you (and the msg board readers.. if there are any) some entertainment ... so thats a good thing! :)

i heard about the tie last sunday.. apparently.. it was quite the game with a lot of fuct up going ons... !!!

and of course.. i had to miss it cause i had to prep for our little Scarlettini's baptism later that day (which is always why the scores werent up immediately people.. WE HAD TO FIND TIME FOR JESUS!!!)

but now that we found time for jesus.. expect the results to be up quicker in the future.. :)

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2011
Views: 1743
RE: Co-Ed Football talks

*Yawns*, the message board has really tamed down...WTF?
Damn, the Bulldogs' bandwagon is getting full, hop on while there's still space!! lol
Kelly, congrats on your touchdown, you should bronze your cleats from that game :)

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2011
Views: 1740
RE: Co-Ed Football talks

See! ..............I figured he wouldn't have much to say.......not even a stupid annoying Woof!

The "Runt of the litter for life" has run out of material! Not that he had anything good in the first place.

We need some frshly squeezed Juice! Anyone? Anyone at all?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.........THE JUICE!

Giddy Up!

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