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Post Info TOPIC: Scorecards
Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Jul 25th, 2011
Views: 1681

Attention all players, especially team reps:

It is your responsibility to check the score cards at the end of your game to ensure the stats are correct for that game. It is extremely difficult to confirm stat corrections a day or two after the fact. I appreciate that things are a little hectic in between games but this is the only way to ensure the stats are accurate. From this point forward whatever the scorecard says when it gets to me will be final so please make sure to take a couple minutes after your game to check the scorecard for accuracy. I will also send this message out to the ream reps and post it under the news section.

Hope everyone has been having a great season thus far.



Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2011
Views: 1657
RE: Scorecards

Scott - it is good you finally put this out there... 'ream' reps? really? laughs.. tired this morning?

Players - the amount of post-game emails are unbelievable for stat corrections.. and scott really has no other option but to take what you guys email as truths.

While the ref's are doing a great job... .. not everything is being recorded 100% accurately so the few minutes to look it over in between games will alleviate a lot of drama down the road (especially at the end of the season when there is only a marginal difference between top scorers for individual recognition)

Thanks for your help guys! As always, if you have any concerns or questions regarding this, please contact scott via email [oshawafootball@gmail.com] or cell [905-213-3183].

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2011
Views: 1645
RE: Scorecards

So upportive Kelly. Gee...you would think you guys were married or something, REALLY?

I think Kelly is trying to take over my title of King of the Message Board. That ain't happening baby, ain't gunna happen.

Hey Scott, what did you think of my dominating performance on the field on Sunday? I was freaken awesome, don't you think?

Wow I was bad, LOL!

Giddy Up!

(Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself!)

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2011
Views: 1642
RE: Scorecards

Hey Giddy...we'll all join you in the laughter lol

Posted By: EvanGuillemett54

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2011
Views: 1632
RE: Scorecards

Hey Scott I sacked you twice at least you should have remembered that ;)

Also, spell my name write jeeeeze haha its "Guillemette"

Keep up the good work!

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2011
Views: 1624
RE: Scorecards

Hey Evan,

I remember one called sack even though i threw it way before you tagged me. :). Intentional grounding I could have understood but there was no way it was a sack. I don't remember any others.

As for the spelling of your name talk to your team rep(s). The spelling they provided to me when they submitted your roster was Guilette.



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