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Post Info TOPIC: out of no where got 3int's?!?!?!
Posted By: bullshit

Posted On: Jul 24th, 2011
Views: 1900
out of no where got 3int's?!?!?!

whos kevin risko never heard of him in my life but has 3 interceptions making it to the charts?

Posted By: research

Posted On: Jul 24th, 2011
Views: 1891
RE: out of no where got 3int's?!?!?!

these are the 2 things that i found when i youtubed this kevin risko person

Posted By: reading for the win

Posted On: Jul 24th, 2011
Views: 1874
RE: out of no where got 3int's?!?!?!

if you look closely tons of teams suddenly have ties. the stats are borked. It's okay though, we take like four fucking weeks between each game so 1 or 2 teams can play in a tourney :)

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 24th, 2011
Views: 1856
RE: out of no where got 3int's?!?!?!

Wow, where's all the anger comin' fromw?!?

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Jul 24th, 2011
Views: 1856
RE: out of no where got 3int's?!?!?!

The Standings are up to date.

Sorry it took me so long. I realize it's been a full 6 hours since the games concluded. :)

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 24th, 2011
Views: 1848
RE: out of no where got 3int's?!?!?!

there are actually 6 teams, with half of a 7th team that all participate in the tournaments (if not all the tourneys, then majority).

In the past, we had scheduled it so the tourney teams would have bye weeks, and the remainder of those not in tourneys would play.....

It was becoming difficult, though, since many of the "non-tourney teams" still had players who did play in the tournaments (with other teams), so they had a skeleton team showing up to the OTFL game.. which isnt fair for the scoreboards or stats.

It was then just concluded as being best, for the majority, to take the breaks on tourney weekends.... and then we have never scheduled games for long weekends.

while we try to keep everyone happy, we simply cant. If you have a concern, please contact the executive directly via: oshawafootball@gmail.com and we can explore options to remedy the situation to the best of our abilities, while not compromising the satisfaction of the masses.

ps. kevin risko is awesome.. dont all be getting all jealous on us... ;) clearly, the hawks head recruiter was doing his job...

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Oshawa Touch Football League