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Posted By: John Anthony

Posted On: Jul 19th, 2011
Views: 1999
Week 4 picks

Due to a request from "Shih Tzu 4 Life" I have decided to give my picks two days earlier than usual.

Last week was far from a perfect week (6 - 3) but if you were able to find someone to give you straight odds you would have still came out ahead.

There are some great games on tap for this week so let's get started.


Buckeyes v. All Blacks

I have lost the last two times I have picked the All Blacks so that's it for them until they show me they can win again. Give me the Buckeyes to take this one but I do think it will be a tight game.

Buckeyes v. Rogues

Along with the Sun Devils the Rogues seem to be the team to beat this season and until a team shows me they can beat the Rogues they will get my pick (see below as I immediately break this rule). Give me the Rogues in what should be another good game at Central.

Rogues v. Sun Devils

These two teams are both so against losing games that when they played each other in week 1 they tied. I'm tempted to pick a tie again in this one. The biggest difference in this game and the week 1 game is this time the Rogues are on the back end of a double header and it's going to be hot. For that reason alone give me the Sun Devils to take a close one in the final game of a competitive set of games at Central.


Raiders v. Bulldogs

At first glance you have to think that the Raiders win this game easily. They have a lot talent on their team and a solid QB to lead them as well. The Bulldogs do seem to have a lot of talent though as well and are coming off two big wins last week and have won 3 of their last 4. The Raiders have had a tough time scoring points putting up only 27 points in 4 games but they have been missing their QB for some of those games and have played 3 "A" teams in their first 4 games. The Bulldogs did have that nice win against the All Blacks but other than that they have only beaten two "C" teams. This is a tough game to call but I am going to have to pick against my favourite team and take the Raiders to turn the Bulldogs bark into a whimper.

Hounds v. Mustangs

The Mustangs showed they were for real last week with a solid victory over the All Blacks. I see them continuing their winning ways against the struggling Hounds.

Lancers v. Mustangs

In the 3rd great game of the week (Rogues v. SD and Bulldogs v. Raiders being the others) the Mustangs will be tested by a solid Lancers team that hasn't really performed up to expectations in the early absence of Jay Steinberg. Here's to hoping Jay is back this game and if he is the Lancers will take this game and stay off of JA's do not pick list. Give me the Lancers.


Hawks v. Buccaneers

Great game number 4 this week as the Hawks and Buccaneers battle for 1st place in the "C" division. Both teams have been nearly identical so far this season beating up on lesser "C" teams with their only blemish coming against the Bulldogs. This game comes down to the overall talent top to bottom on the Hawks roster against the one time great and still very good QB of the Bucaneers and a few talented players he has surrounding him. I can really see this game going either way but in the end I'll take the Hawks and their strong defence to shut down the Buccaneers potent offensive attack.

OPC v. Longhorns

As long as OPC is able to get out their full squad I don't see them having too much trouble with the Longhorns. Give me OPC to win this one fairly easily.

OPC v. Turtles

Doesn't it feel like these two teams just played each other last week? Oh wait that's because they did. Have to wonder what the schedule makers were thinking with that one. In any event I took the Turtles last week and they lost so I can't really take them again can I? Give me OPC to win two straight and start to put a strangle hold on 3rd place in the "C" division.

Well those are the picks for a week that features 4 excellent games. A very tough week to pick.

As always I welcome your feedback.

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 19th, 2011
Views: 1991
RE: Week 4 picks

YES JA!!!!!!!!
Thanks for posting the picks two days early, atta boy!

You're right JA, there are quite a few great games on tap this weekend, making it really tough to pick em'.

I am a bit shocked that you would pick against your favourite team!! I think you're right, it will be a tight game, the Raiders handed our asses to us last year (although we did play with only 5 guys and actually borrowed one of theirs to be able to field a team). This year our turnout numbers have definitely been rectified by adding some quality talen on both sides of the ball. This will definitely be one of the best games come Sunday, the Raiders are, as you've said, a very talented bunch. However, I can never pick against my own team and never will, and the wolfpack will be out in full force to mark our territory. It's going to be a battle from start to finish, bring your popcorn.

Someone should film the SD v. Rogues game, have a feelin' it'll be highlight reel driven!

Giddy...your Bucs are in tough against a talented Hawks team, and I won't even venture a pick on this one...too close to call.

Good luck to the rest of the teams this weekend!!!!


Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 19th, 2011
Views: 1965
RE: Week 4 picks

ohhh .. lots of nice match ups..

ill be honest.. i dont look at the schedule... i wait for these reviews to see who is playing who.. then me and scott argue about whether or not we think JA is right.. ..

what... thats exciting.. isnt it?

..................... okay.. we are boring

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 21st, 2011
Views: 1897
RE: Week 4 picks

Wow....this is the quietest I've seen the message board in a long time....everyone on vacation? LOL

Posted By: Book It !

Posted On: Jul 22nd, 2011
Views: 1852
RE: Week 4 picks

Just got back from vacation what have I missed ?

Book It !

Posted By: #47

Posted On: Jul 24th, 2011
Views: 1788
RE: Week 4 picks

All I know is yall hate on the Devils, all I hear is you loving the Rouges. But that's all right keep on bigging up the Rouges we like when were not mentioned.

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 24th, 2011
Views: 1780
RE: Week 4 picks

the sun devils are good.. but.. everyone knows that... being the reigning champs, it goes without saying...

and John Anthony gave you love --- he did say the devils would take out the rogues... so John seems to be an admirer? or.. maybe hes just a Sun Devil himself?

the rogues were forced with 2 hard games for their double headers (way to schedule, mr. scheduler), so that obviously came into play a bit.... but alas... it was a 20-0 victory ... so well played sun devils.. you showed them you want to keep your team photo on the homepage as the champs... they will have to bring their A+ game in the finals.

Posted By: Brett

Posted On: Jul 24th, 2011
Views: 1777
RE: Week 4 picks

Who's pretending their Jomo????

Posted By: Brett

Posted On: Jul 24th, 2011
Views: 1776
RE: Week 4 picks

The real #47 !!!!

Posted By: #84 Devils

Posted On: Jul 24th, 2011
Views: 1776
RE: Week 4 picks

@Kelly... Lol

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