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Post Info TOPIC: Just curious..
Posted By: Guest

Posted On: Jul 13th, 2011
Views: 1774
Just curious..

Any hot girls playing in the Co-ed Touch football?

Posted By: Hugh Hefner

Posted On: Jul 13th, 2011
Views: 1748
RE: Just curious..

There are a couple of HOT women playing co-ed, I only joined to check out the talent and it hasn't disappointed yet. Shwingggg.

Hef out.

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 14th, 2011
Views: 1707
RE: Just curious..

i think im the ugliest chickie there...

and since im a 9.5/10, thats making for some good looks on the field...

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 14th, 2011
Views: 1693
RE: Just curious..

Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly!

Kelly Rules!

Giddy Up!

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 15th, 2011
Views: 1687
RE: Just curious..

*curtsies* thanks giddy! this is why you will always be president of my fan club... :D

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 16th, 2011
Views: 1655
RE: Just curious..

but seriously.. we have a few single hotties on my team :) we may not be the leaders on the scoreboard.. but alas... we are the leaders in the 'hottie' points.. ;)

and one team has a chick that looks like MJ reincarnate.... 1998+ MJ... white MJ. ... ...

some dudes could be into that kinda stuff? shes not meek like good ol' MJ though.. shes kind of.. well.. she's a real treat.... lets just put it that way... sigh.. but some guys can be into that too i suppose.

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Oshawa Touch Football League