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Post Info TOPIC: Co-Ed bling rules... and mens
Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 4th, 2011
Views: 1826
Co-Ed bling rules... and mens

hey guys... we (4 members of the exec + the refs) discussed the jewelry factor after the games... this is the verdict:




bands, diamonds, pimp rings, sucker rings, brass knuckles, etc. ... leave it at home..

a good point was raised... if you break your finger, the hospital will have to cut the band off of you... now youve gone dun ruined that pretty ring of yers.

as for earrings.. tape them up, or take them off.. but dont bitch about it..

last thing i need is your blood on my hands because ive ripped your earlobe off.

and then *I* look like the bad guy...

scott has added: same holds true for the men's division too.

take that to the bank.

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 5th, 2011
Views: 1814
RE: Co-Ed bling rules... and mens

Oh oh...
it looks like Kelly has been stealin' Mr. Bulldog's catch phrase "take that to the bank"
That's gonna cost you :)
It's all good, we'll just take it out on the Hawks this weekend!
and yes...you guessed it...you can TAKE THAT TO THE BANK!

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 5th, 2011
Views: 1810
RE: Co-Ed bling rules... and mens

hahahaa..... 'bitch 4 life' puhlease!!! ;) i invented that phrase... yeah.. i sure did... ...


i cant WAIT for sunday... i bought you a wagjag coupon for cheap grooming services and neutering all in one...

oh wait no..... sorry.. i re-read the coupon... its just for grooming.. luckily for you the hawks will be doing all the neutering..

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jul 5th, 2011
Views: 1803
RE: Co-Ed bling rules... and mens

Lol Kelly...
I like your spunk...way to wear your heart on your sleeve for your man, but I just ask one thing...please don't use the excuse that he's sick (I really hope that he gets better so then that would be taken out of the equation).
Also, I think we should have post-game interviews for games, think that would make for nice reading and entertainment value.
Don't forget folks....this Sunday at Central, come out for the early games for some crazy entertainment!!!!
Both will be tough games but at the end the dog's will be barkin'!

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jul 5th, 2011
Views: 1784
RE: Co-Ed bling rules... and mens

sure... i can interview you for the week in review....

but... like i tell my 3 year old daughter, "i cant understand you when you are crying... "

:) scotts fever was down to 100.8 this morning.. so hes making progress! down from last night... and at last check in, he said he was feeling a bit better --- just very tired...

im so happy you are concerned for his well-being. that means the world to us during our time of greatest sorrows... ;)

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