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Post Info TOPIC: More Pick up Football
Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Jun 23rd, 2011
Views: 1751
More Pick up Football

Also for all the non tournament people out there, we're having a pick-up touch game at 10:00 am Sunday Morning. If you are interested come out.



Posted By: TO

Posted On: Jun 23rd, 2011
Views: 1748
RE: More Pick up Football

@ Central!

please email me if you are coming!


Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jun 23rd, 2011
Views: 1741
RE: More Pick up Football

so much for dragon boat races............. :\

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jun 24th, 2011
Views: 1699
RE: More Pick up Football

the weather is supposed to be awesome.. yay!

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Oshawa Touch Football League