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Post Info TOPIC: FLAG Football Pickup
Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jun 23rd, 2011
Views: 1585
FLAG Football Pickup

Just wondering if anyone is interested in getting together this Friday, June 24th @ 7pm.

Location: Terry Fox Park [off of Capilano Crescent, or you can park at that little Learning Centre at the corner of Townline & Bloor]

A few members of our co-ed team are going to get together for some practice, and would like to be able to do more than just have drill practice..

if it rains, we arent doing it.. .. *crosses fingers the forecast changes*

call scott 905-213-3183 or myself 905-999-4114 to see if its still on ... but let us know ahead of time if you are interested in coming so we can have enough flags...

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jun 24th, 2011
Views: 1552
RE: FLAG Football Pickup

thanks to those who showed up...hope you all had as good a time as i did!

and.... im glad the weather gods were with us and totally blew past the field!!

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Oshawa Touch Football League