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Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jun 22nd, 2011
Views: 1703
Name that Dog Contest LOL!

Lets have some fun with "Snoop Dog 4 life".

I challenge all the readers to a "Name that Dog contest"..........

Any thoughts?

Maybe the exec can even come up with some sort of prize for the most hilarious name.

What do you think Kelly?

Giddy Up!

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jun 22nd, 2011
Views: 1698
RE: Name that Dog Contest LOL!

Just to clear things up with those who have not been a regular Giddy Fan. I'm talkin about my new found friend and regular poster "BullDog 4 life".

Good Luck everyone!

Giddy Up!

Posted By: Bulldog 4 Life

Posted On: Jun 22nd, 2011
Views: 1697
RE: Name that Dog Contest LOL!

I'm going to love this!!!
Bring it on kids!
Hat's off to ya Giddy...even in your old age you're able to come up with fresh ideas. Kudos

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jun 22nd, 2011
Views: 1688
RE: Name that Dog Contest LOL!

damn it.. this is a lot of pressure.. ummmm... give me time to think!! :)

and by think... it may mean 'research the internet'


Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jun 22nd, 2011
Views: 1656
RE: Name that Dog Contest LOL!

okay... soooo.. i didnt research... but instead, my own creative genius came up with:

Smack My Bitch Up.... 4 Life.

nothing wrong with a lil old school prodigy, mixed with female dogness.... nothing right with it either...

:) but thats about as good as its gonna get from me!

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jun 22nd, 2011
Views: 1652
RE: Name that Dog Contest LOL!

What about.....

I'm a Wiener (pause) Dog 4 Life

Suits him 2 a T!


Giddy Up!

Posted By: kelly

Posted On: Jun 23rd, 2011
Views: 1636
RE: Name that Dog Contest LOL!

congressman weiner?

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jun 27th, 2011
Views: 1600
RE: Name that Dog Contest LOL!

I thought this league had a fun side.....But maybe I was wrong......Not a single contestant in the contest?

Giddy Up!

Posted By: TJ

Posted On: Jun 27th, 2011
Views: 1595
RE: Name that Dog Contest LOL!

"Hang on 4 Dear Life"?

As in, some ballers are going to be excited to make plays against this guy, so he'll be seeing a lot of 'A' game. Some advice, memorize these (i use 'em all the time):

1) the sun was in my eyes
2) i thought we were way up, so i stopped trying
3) shoelace was untied
4) somebody told me it was cover 2, not man.

Feel free to make up some new ones of your own. But don't quit, new guy ... I can't hit the field and get my chance until September!

#18 Oshawa Buckeyes
(Disabled List)

p.s. giddy, you miss me, don'tcha brother? this place is quiet around here ...

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jun 28th, 2011
Views: 1591
RE: Name that Dog Contest LOL!

Hey! Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

As the T-Shirt says ......;...

I Love TJ. Of course the Gidster misses TJ, he brings a lotta Juice!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The .............JUICE!

Giddy Up!

(At least someone has some spirit!)

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