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Post Info TOPIC: Message from the President
Posted By: Buzz Bezzant

Posted On: May 4th, 2020
Views: 5932
Message from the President

OTFL Update
Message from the President Buzz Bezzant

To all our Team Reps Players and Fans.

We are presently focusing on the Now

With that said we are presently focusing on 6 main areas of our League.

1 We are all in Social Distancing mode.
2 Our goal is to keep all our members up to date.
3 Our Executive & Team Reps have proactively met via Zoom and are up to speed.
4 Permits are currently not being issued & we are waiting patiently for authorization.
5 If the Government pushes dates out further. The Executive Team will have to generate more game plans.
6 Bottom line on an administrative note and being Positive, WE need to treat the situation as WE are going to Play at some future time.

So here's to being Safe and Positive a day at a time

And remember Tough Times don't last, but Tough Members like ours DO

Yours in Football.
Buzz Bezzant OTFL Executive

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Oshawa Touch Football League