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Post Info TOPIC: Finals
Posted By: Al

Posted On: Sep 24th, 2019
Views: 1781

Quick note, all of the final games will be played at Eastdale Sunday Sept.29

C - final 8:30

B - final 10:00

A - final 11:30

Banquet at the Bulldog Pub 1:30

Good luck to all of the teams competing.

Posted By: Real Fan

Posted On: Sep 30th, 2019
Views: 1687
RE: Finals

Thanks Al for stepping up and showing you still care.

Posted By: Al

Posted On: Oct 1st, 2019
Views: 1685
RE: Finals

Always glad to help when I can.Because we don't
record playoff stats or keep scores I'll give you
rough estimates of the scores from Sunday.

C Final - OPC by a score over the Sharks
B Final - All Blacks over the Cops by 3 or 4 scores
A Final - Hounds over Trojans by 3 or 4 scores

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Oshawa Touch Football League