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Post Info TOPIC: Playoffs
Posted By: Playoffs

Posted On: Aug 29th, 2019
Views: 2201

What’s the playoff format going to be this year?

Posted By: Impatient

Posted On: Sep 9th, 2019
Views: 2082
RE: Playoffs

Has the playoffs games for this Sunday been set up yet?

Posted By: Gronk

Posted On: Sep 12th, 2019
Views: 2011
RE: Playoffs

Today is Thursday, I don't see any playoff schedule out yet. What is the holdup man...

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Sep 16th, 2019
Views: 1943
RE: Playoffs


I don't think you got your 5 games in so you won't be eligible for the playoffs this year anyways. Looking forward to having you in the OTFL next year though. You will be a matchup nightmare for any team. I guess we know now why you have been dropping all that weight since retirement (getting ready to start your touch football career #nextchapter).



Posted By: Brady

Posted On: Sep 22nd, 2019
Views: 1847
RE: Playoffs

what a shitty reply from a bitter lazy President

Posted By: Disappointed

Posted On: Sep 23rd, 2019
Views: 1798
RE: Playoffs

This OTFL site has really gone downhill, no playoff updates or anything after regular season. Are there even games this weekend? who knows or cares anymore....

Posted By: Tank

Posted On: Sep 23rd, 2019
Views: 1779
RE: Playoffs


The people running the league have a life outside of updating your scores from Sunday for you because have nothing better to do than sit at your screen all day and play fantasy football with your personal stats. Not everyone has all day to sit down and fidget with the website to suit your desires. It's the team reps responsibility to get the information they need and to relay it to their players. The exec still runs the league thoroughly and while everyone has their opinion on how the league is dealt with, unless you want to take on the responsibility of running the league yourself, I recommend shutting the fuck up.

Posted By: Disappointed Brady

Posted On: Sep 26th, 2019
Views: 1744
RE: Playoffs


Posted By: DR. Phil

Posted On: Sep 26th, 2019
Views: 1734
RE: Playoffs

Take it easy now Tank, I don't want to see your blood pressure go up again. Slow down and take a deep breathe, relax, get all that anger and rage out. There, no need to burst blood vessel and resort to foul language and wanting to defend the PRES he is a big boy like all of us.SERENITY NOW....

Posted By: Brady

Posted On: Sep 30th, 2019
Views: 1685
RE: Playoffs


If they are too lazy to update the site, then they should step down from doing it. 5 minutes to update it unless they are fat balding Boomer that doesn't do the internet. So according to Tank, the league execs are lazy, fat, and balding.

Posted By: Brady

Posted On: Sep 30th, 2019
Views: 1684
RE: Playoffs


ARen't you the guy who likes to watch people's kids at games? Seriously bro, that's illegal, stop salivating over little kids you pervert

Posted By: Wow

Posted On: Sep 30th, 2019
Views: 1672
RE: Playoffs

So my thread asking about playoff format has devolved into pedophilia accusations. Aren’t we all out here to have some fun?

Posted By: Disappointed

Posted On: Sep 30th, 2019
Views: 1658
RE: Playoffs

Piggy backing on my earlier question, where the hell are the results from yesterdays finals, or are you still stuffing your face with all the chicken wings I saw you eating at the banquet yesterday.....

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Oshawa Touch Football League