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Post Info TOPIC: Rule Changes; Multiple Teams?
Posted By: Ridiculous

Posted On: May 9th, 2019
Views: 1850
Rule Changes; Multiple Teams?

Is it true that players are allowed to play for more than one team this year? How can this be a legal rule? How did the league come to this decision? Been playing in this league nearly 10 years and this is the worst rule change the league has seen maybe ever. Worse than the idea to kick field goals. I'm assuming this is mainly targeted at Rogues players also playing on KI? Give me a break.

Posted By: Captain Cock

Posted On: May 14th, 2019
Views: 1818
RE: Rule Changes; Multiple Teams?

Field goals wasn’t that bad of an idea.

Posted By: Pacman

Posted On: May 23rd, 2019
Views: 1753
RE: Rule Changes; Multiple Teams?

You mean, you can't kick field goals anymore? With 1 play left from the opponents 40 yard line, it makes the last play a little better than a Hail Mary. Cody Parkey may not agree

Posted By: Deion

Posted On: May 28th, 2019
Views: 1706
RE: Rule Changes; Multiple Teams?

One player playing on two teams. Holy double doink!

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Oshawa Touch Football League