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Post Info TOPIC: Playoffs
Posted By: Flabergasted

Posted On: Aug 13th, 2009
Views: 1742

Okay, after reading a bunch of different posts..am I correct in that the Rogues will have Eric Glavic throwing..plus Travis and Fred playing in the OTFL for the rest of the year..

If that is the case here is the playoff breakdown:

A Division


B Division

Everyone else..because no other team will compete with either Glavic throwing to a group of receivers that includes Brandon, Fred, Mouse, Sasha and Travis..plus others and a great "D"..


Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Aug 13th, 2009
Views: 1731
RE: Playoffs

Well they will have to get their 5 games in. Here is the break down so far:

Freddie - 1 game
Eric - 0 games
Sasha - 2 games
Travis - 1 game

Brandon & Mouse - 6 games.

So we will have to wait and see

Posted By: CIS guy

Posted On: Aug 13th, 2009
Views: 1728
RE: Playoffs

I would assume that Eric would be getting ready for the CIS season at Calgary, not in the OTFL for the rest of the season.

Posted By: Rule Book Officer

Posted On: Aug 13th, 2009
Views: 1728
RE: Playoffs

......and that's all he wrote!

Posted By: Vet

Posted On: Aug 13th, 2009
Views: 1725
RE: Playoffs

Eric left St Mary's?

Posted By: Andy

Posted On: Aug 13th, 2009
Views: 1711
RE: Playoffs

Here's a link to the story announcing he moved to Calgary. Hopefully he gets to play in some games this year in the OTFL, that would be sweet to watch!


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