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Post Info TOPIC: 2009 OTFL Playoff Format
Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Aug 12th, 2009
Views: 1805
2009 OTFL Playoff Format

The 2009 OTFL playoff format has been posted on the home page. You can also find it in the news section of the website.



Posted By: Huh?

Posted On: Aug 12th, 2009
Views: 1797
RE: 2009 OTFL Playoff Format

Pardon? Why not give the top seeds a bye into the SF just like any normal 6 team playoff system works.

The lowest ranked 3rd seed has no chance to gain a bye and is only risking injury while playing week 1 of the playoffs. Why bother?

One more week of regular season games and then playoffs would be the most logical idea.

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Aug 12th, 2009
Views: 1795
RE: 2009 OTFL Playoff Format

I wanted to ensure that every team got at least 2 playoff games. Adding one more regular season would be tough since as of right now everyone plays everyone in their division twice and everyone in the other division once. So the final regular season game would have to be chosen at random. As for the 3rd place teams. If they are able to win in round 1 they would likely face the other 3rd place team in round 2 instead of of the 2nd place teams. This could be a big advantage so they definitely have something to play for in round 1 and if both 3rd place teams win in round one then one of them would get the bye to round 3. I appreciate your input though.


Posted By: pardon?

Posted On: Aug 12th, 2009
Views: 1766
RE: 2009 OTFL Playoff Format


I don't understand the mentality behind 'risking injury' in the 1st week of playoffs, and then suggesting to run the regular season a week longer.

Would that not then mean that one would be risking injury - in an additional regular season game?

I think this format is great. It allows all teams sufficient time on the field - which is what everyone should want. Afterall, every team should get to play as much as possible.

Posted By: On IR

Posted On: Aug 12th, 2009
Views: 1752
RE: 2009 OTFL Playoff Format

Once again the exective has made a decision that helps this sport grow. Thanks for all the hard work you guys put in to make this league successful

Posted By: ouch

Posted On: Aug 12th, 2009
Views: 1747
RE: 2009 OTFL Playoff Format

It looks like the A championship side that a team may have to play a back to back game at 10:30and NOON the second game against the numner one seed. That is quite the handicap for the 2 or 3 place team

Posted By: olbaid LE

Posted On: Aug 12th, 2009
Views: 1745
RE: 2009 OTFL Playoff Format

since when are the hounds hosers or hawks A division. There are clearly 2 divions but me stinks you need 6 teams in the B and 4 in the A

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Aug 13th, 2009
Views: 1740
RE: 2009 OTFL Playoff Format

I was considering this option as well based on the current standings breakdown and it is still possible to completely switch things around and have the "A" be the 4 team playoff and the "B" be the 6 team playoff. I'll talk to some of the "fringe" teams (ie. Lancers, Raiders, Hounds, Hawks and Hosers) and see what there preference is. I do agree though that there does seem to be a more clear division between the 4th best team and the 5th best team then there is between the 6th best team and the 7th best team.


Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Aug 14th, 2009
Views: 1662
RE: 2009 OTFL Playoff Format

After considering the issue, I've decided that we will switch the playoff format so that the top 2 teams in each division will play for the "A" championship and the bottom 3 in each division will play for the "B" championship. See the revised playoff section on the home page or in the news section of the website.



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