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Post Info TOPIC: Outlaw Football Pants
Posted By: Silent Bob

Posted On: Aug 10th, 2009
Views: 2017
Outlaw Football Pants

I move to ban #74 on the Raiders from being allowed to wear football pants with knee pads to games anymore! or if he feels the need to wear the pants he should also wear a helmet or atleast shoulder pads. I feel that this detiorates the overall credibility of the league since this player obviously doesnt need to wear pads with football pants. If I saw this player I would refuse to take the league seriously

Posted By: jay

Posted On: Aug 10th, 2009
Views: 2011
RE: Outlaw Football Pants

I move that if said player absolutely must wear knee padded pants, he should also wear either accompanying shoulder pads or foam helmet like the one shown below :


Posted By: Silent Bob

Posted On: Aug 10th, 2009
Views: 2013
RE: Outlaw Football Pants


Heere is a picture to prove my point!

Posted By: tyler

Posted On: Aug 10th, 2009
Views: 2010
RE: Outlaw Football Pants

whoever posted this topic needs to find more things to do lol funny tho. i tried to post a picture of a helmet but it didnt work lol


Posted By: AV

Posted On: Aug 10th, 2009
Views: 2007
RE: Outlaw Football Pants

Silent Bob, you are an f'n moron.

Posted By: Drew

Posted On: Aug 11th, 2009
Views: 1971
RE: Outlaw Football Pants

I think Mark's experience brings a lot to any team. He is probably one of the best centers in the league. I don't care what he wears.

Posted By: Buzz DSKB#00

Posted On: Aug 11th, 2009
Views: 1937
RE: Outlaw Football Pants

Hey SB, how about concentrate on playing Ball and not petty things like uniform.

For the record Mark P is the only player to score the most points in one season in OTFL History and that's as a Center.

So when you are at the banquet this year take a look at the old scoring leader Cup and see that it doesn't matter what uniform you wear.

So how about you be silent all together and concentrate on making sure YOUR shorts are on right and not backwards or inside out cause this may cause you to run the wrong way.

Yours in Football

Buzz #00

Posted By: Andy

Posted On: Aug 11th, 2009
Views: 1927
RE: Outlaw Football Pants

Well said Buzz

Posted By: Kelly

Posted On: Aug 11th, 2009
Views: 1906
RE: Outlaw Football Pants

From a girl's perspective.. .. .. they should only be banned if the guys isn't in good enough shape to pull them off..

I think for an older gentleman.. he looks pretty damn good in spandex! i think silent bob is just jealous..

Posted By: Raf

Posted On: Aug 11th, 2009
Views: 1885
RE: Outlaw Football Pants

He doesnt come close to my man JJ MacAllum bring the pants back J-GUN!!!

Posted By: Silent Bob

Posted On: Aug 13th, 2009
Views: 1813
RE: Outlaw Football Pants

Why would silent bob be jealous of a 55 year old man wearing football pants with knee pads in touch football? how physically challenging is the league come on lets be realistic here we all know it is a fun league. Rarely have i seen any hits and if there is its by most part by accident

Posted By: Kelly

Posted On: Aug 13th, 2009
Views: 1799
RE: Outlaw Football Pants

What if it's what he is most comfortable playing in.. and the padding is to protect himself should he take a tumble? It has been an incredibly wet season..

Meh.. if it is a league for fun like you claim it to be.. then who cares what he's wearing.. :)

as for the jealousy factor.. I know the real Silent bob would not look so hot in spandex... but whomever our alias 'OTFL Silent Bob' is... maybe he should try on a pair and let the wives of the league be the judge of who looks best??

i think that would add to the fun of the league :) at least for the lady viewers...

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