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Post Info TOPIC: renegades vs crew game happening?
Posted By: tk renegade

Posted On: Aug 8th, 2009
Views: 1763
renegades vs crew game happening?

the crew didnt show up last week for their game

just curious if you guys are planning on attending this week? if you guys arent able to field a full team like last week it would be nice to know in advance !

UFC is tonight and im sure some people may not be wanting to get out of bed for nothing tomorrow lol !

any predictions on UFC tonight people?

silva vs griffin
florian vs bj penn

im taking silva and florian

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Aug 8th, 2009
Views: 1758
RE: renegades vs crew game happening?

Hey TK,

I wouldn't about the Crew having enough guys. Their roster is huge and most weeks they have well over 10 guys. I'm sure last week was just a fluke. Good luck to both teams tomorrow.


Posted By: Ninja

Posted On: Aug 9th, 2009
Views: 1733
RE: renegades vs crew game happening?

UFC or not people should still come out for there commitments, and not dissapoint the rest of their team or the league.

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