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Post Info TOPIC: chirpyness
Posted By: ....

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 2287

do the buckeyes (BJ)not have anything better to do than sit on the sidelines of games chirping people playing?

Posted By: On IR

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 2270
RE: chirpyness

knowing the guys on the buckeyes, they were probably just joking around

Posted By: Frustrated

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 2249
RE: chirpyness

I don't come out to play football to here one guy calling out another guy while he is playing, that is bad sportsmanship.

Posted By: Buckeyes

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 2236
RE: chirpyness

CryCry Cry.

Posted By: Sportsmanship

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 2233
RE: chirpyness

Do you a problem with your QB yelling at yah all game. Do you have a problem with sitting four of your guys while you played both ways.

Posted By: A man

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 2219
RE: chirpyness

why do the buckeyes have such concern for their ex-QB? all i hear is these guys whining about him. chirping his players on the field trying to get them to be a baby too. the renegades seem to have no problems within the team, they all seem to get along fine. worry about your own team.

grow up people !

Posted By: TJ

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2009
Views: 2157
RE: chirpyness

I'm sure the only people who write/read this are Buckeyes players, former Buckeye players, and people who just like to stir the pot.

As for why some players on the Buckeyes chose to go to the game, we were expecting to see two of the best teams in the OTFL play! Unfortunately the All Blacks had too many players missing to really show what they've got, so guys (rightly or wrongly) decided to cat-call a little bit.

Personally, I joked with Helmer some. That might have offended some people, but I'm sure that he wasn't upset, because he would know that I'm kidding around. Chances are he'll show up to a Bucs game in the future and mouth some, too. And that'll be fine by me.

If you're a Buckeye or Renegade, there's no need to keep this going. If you're someone on the outside looking in, you just don't get the dynamics. You're trying to get guys really upset over something that just isn't that vicious -- get over it.


Posted By: Andy from Renegades

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2009
Views: 2143
RE: chirpyness

Hey, I'm just happy we had people watching the game! Thanks for coming out and supporting the league guys. I saw no problems going on, I talked to the boys from the Buckeyes while playing and saw nothing going on all game in regards to this. If there was some talking done it was done in fun because a lot of guys in the league know each other. Dont take things so serious who ever is upset, we are all playing to have fun.

The real mouth piece at the game yesterday was the weather....with the thunder and lightning calling our game early.

Posted By: On IR

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2009
Views: 2097
RE: chirpyness

well said TJ & Andy, it's good to see atleast some of us CAN get along

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2009
Views: 2067
RE: chirpyness

As the world turns?

I thought this league was for those of 18 years and older.

Posted By: love it !!!

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2009
Views: 2052
RE: chirpyness

Well it is nice to see the message board getting some action again at least :) We need KC back if not just for the message board posts. TO buddy where have you been all year. Def Ref haven't heard from you in a while. Let's get this board back to the good ole days.

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2009
Views: 2050
RE: chirpyness

All it took was for Spack to start winning again and everyone goes haywire. You guys really need to control your jealousy and hatred. If you really dislike him that much, than just beat him and shut up! Talk is cheap, and whining is annoying.

I am still kickin!

Giddy Up!

Posted By: ............

Posted On: Jul 28th, 2009
Views: 2003
RE: chirpyness

Just beat Spack,Rogues and Buckeyes did they win GIddy Up against the all mighty Spack? Pucker UP !!!!!

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 28th, 2009
Views: 1970
RE: chirpyness

Yes they did. Thats my point. Why do you need to embarrass yourselfs by making childish comments afterwords? There are more games to come folks. May the best man win.

Giddy Up!

Posted By: wes

Posted On: Jul 28th, 2009
Views: 1945
RE: chirpyness

leave names please if you wanna talk thats weak to throw in ur 5 cents and nobody knowing who u is!!!! ya thats right who u is.

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2009
Views: 1908
RE: chirpyness

Now Wes. Does Batman or Superman reveal their identity? LOL

Posted By: blackman!!!!!!!

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2009
Views: 1905
RE: chirpyness

well i guess ya'll don't know who I is muhahahah

Posted By: Brett Herod

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2009
Views: 1902
RE: chirpyness

well as usual wes you know how to get this board going with your humour

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 29th, 2009
Views: 1891
RE: chirpyness

Brett! Nice to see someone on the board with a sense of humour.

Take notes boys, take notes.

Giddy Up!

Posted By: Observer

Posted On: Jul 30th, 2009
Views: 1853
RE: chirpyness


How's the leg coming along? Will you be back to join the Renegades for what is shaping up to be an interesting and tight race for first place in the standings?

Posted By: Brett Herod

Posted On: Jul 30th, 2009
Views: 1831
RE: chirpyness

My rehab's coming along just fine, thanks for asking. I will be back soon

Posted By: durham hun

Posted On: Aug 8th, 2009
Views: 1734
RE: chirpyness

its too bad he couldnt get durham hun going with his humour lol

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