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Post Info TOPIC: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'
Posted By: OTFL

Posted On: Jul 23rd, 2009
Views: 2084
Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

Week 7 Preview - July 23th, 2009

'#1 versus #1'
All Blacks (5-0) VS Renegades (4-2)
12:00 pm

Battle of the #1's, but not number one's in standings, but in each teams main weapons. Currently the undefeated All Blacks have clawed their way to the top of the OTFL this year with hard nosed defence, statistically leading the league in defence. The 'expansion' Renegades have built their character in this young season on offensive proficiency, leading the OTFL in scoring. It's the battle on paper of the most exciting and dominant defence, and the high powered and top scoring team in week 7's 'OTFL Game of the Week'

***'Anybody like a double double header?'
The Lancers and the Buckeyes come off their bye last weekend due to tournament play with a double.. double header at Eastdale.

Buckeyes (4-1) VS Raiders (1-5) 09:00
Buckeyes (4-1) VS Lancers (2-3) 10:30
Hawks (2-3) VS Lancers (2-3) 12:00

Rogues (4-1) VS Hosers (3-3) 09:00
Hounds (3-3) VS Crew (0-6) 10:30
Renegades (4-2) VS All Blacks (5-0) 12:00

Watch for Ted from T.E.A.M Photography taking pictures. You never know where he is!

Posted By: KeepingItReal

Posted On: Jul 23rd, 2009
Views: 2065
RE: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

High powered offense with an extra game played than the All Blacks. Subtract 35 points from last week and they have scored a mere 4 points more and allowed 56 more points against.

Lets keep it real.

Posted By: Real

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 1962
RE: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

Renegades Win.

Posted By: Rush

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 1959
RE: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

Renegades show the all blacks whats up......watch out buckeyes there coming for you

Posted By: Dave Chappelle

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 1944
RE: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

When keepin it real goes wrong....

"High powered offense with an extra game played than the All Blacks. Subtract 35 points from last week and they have scored a mere 4 points more and allowed 56 more points against.

Lets keep it real."

yes...take away 35 points and they STILL scored more points. and they beat all blacks today quite handily. the only points given up were from an interception.

lets stop being a hater.

Posted By: Rogue

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 1937
RE: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

R U stupid.

All Blacks were missing 7 players and using a back up QB. Their centre was on the sideline with a busted knee. One of their #1 recievers was on the sideline with a seperated shoulder. The main QB was away. They only had 6 players at kick off.

Keep it real.

Posted By: Onlooker

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 1919
RE: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

A win is a win stop hating, Even if those guys other guys played it wouldn't have made a difference. The Renegades are on a reign of terror.

Posted By: Sportsmanship

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 1912
RE: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

DId all the players from the Renegades play?

Posted By: excuses

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 1901
RE: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

all that sounds like to me is a load of excuses lol
a win is a win is a win is a win. lol the All Blacks would have had to match Renagades point for point because the defense wasnt stopping them much

Posted By: Rogue

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 1897
RE: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

You mean the defense that made 3 interceptions and ran 1 back for a TD right. You act like you blew them out of the water, I was there until halftime, you were playing a severely watered down All Black team. How swollen is your head? Every team has weeks when guys can't make the game, we had it at the beginning of the season, the Crew only fielded 3 of their own players today, All Blacks looked to have major attendance/injury issues today. That is what happens when your team has players that play in multiple leagues throughout the summer. I wouldn't get to excited. I watched Chay move the ball 80 yards just before halftime and he admits himself that he is not a QB. He exposed weaknesses in your defense and certainly wasn't helped by poor snaps and dropped balls. He didn't throw any picks though unlike the almighty Spack. Your chastising a team that beat both teams you lost to and for the most part hasn't said anything about your team. How silly is that? You can bet in the play-offs you will see much stronger squads. I would be worrying about the Buckeyes if I were you, you haven't beat them, and if you don't you will see us in the first round, oh and you haven't beat us either ... ha ha ha

Posted By: On IR

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 1888
RE: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

i can pretty much guarantee the comments made earlier in this post did not come from a 'gade player, we've stayed away from saying silly things. As usual someone is getting on the board trying to stir things up & create animosity against the Renegades

Posted By: Answer

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2009
Views: 1830
RE: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

In answering the question about whether all of the renegades played, the answer is no. They were missing Vaughn, Rob and Tea bisquit. Hardly their full team either.

Posted By: Giddy Up!

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2009
Views: 1826
RE: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

Now Now Mr. Rogue

You seem to be a bit of an angry chap. No one has said a thing about your team. People have there opinions, but no one called anyone else out in a classless manner like yourself. Your team is a very good one, its a to bad you shame them as you have with your lack of self control. Really!


Posted By: Answer

Posted On: Jul 27th, 2009
Views: 1819
RE: Week 7 Preview - 'OTFL Game of the Week'

Who ever answered from the Renegades, the question was did all the Renegades play, there were some heart broken guys on the sidelines one even on a bike watching. Whos Rob?

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