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Posted By: On Strike

Posted On: Jul 23rd, 2009
Views: 1857
Weekend games

John Anthony,

I need to get my picks in by noon on Friday, so help my out here, the strike pay is brutal.


Posted By: John Anthony

Posted On: Jul 23rd, 2009
Views: 1849
RE: Weekend games

LOL Garbageman,

I'm happy I'm able to help you get through this tough time. Ok on to the picks.

Look for the Buckeyes to take two straight over the improving Raiders and On again Off again Lancers in the two early games at Eastdale. I have been going back and forth with regards to the late game at Eastdale but in the end I am going to take the Hawks to avenge their loss from earlier in the season with a win over the talented Lancers team.

Over at Central we have the Hosers against the Rogues in the early game. The Hosers have been my nemisis all year as I just can't seem to pick them right. I'm pretty confident I will get it right this week though as I take the Rogues to beat the Hosers fairly easily. At 10:30 give me Hounds to keep rolling right over the Crew and at noon I'll take the All Blacks over the Renegades in what has to be the game of the week. (although I haven't got the official word). So to summarize the picks are:

All Blacks

Current record:

21 out of 28 (75%)

Last week:

2 ouf of 3 (Meatloaf would say it ain't bad)

As always I welcome your thoughts.


Posted By: The Insider

Posted On: Jul 23rd, 2009
Views: 1845
RE: Weekend games

I am going to disagree with your All Blacks pick this week. I like the Renegades in a close game against the undefeated All Blacks. Book it.

Posted By: On strike

Posted On: Jul 23rd, 2009
Views: 1813
RE: Weekend games


I agree to disagree.

Sorry JA, thanks for the other picks. Hopefully I can buy some new clothes cause these ones stink


Posted By: ship itttttt

Posted On: Jul 26th, 2009
Views: 1695
RE: Weekend games

renegades win! ship ittttt

After 2 losses in the early going the renegades dont look easily beat!

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